thats one of the reason why I do not use any setup exe file when I can achieve the same thing manually with simple copying around of files and folders - pls do not take this as an offense, I know it is hard to get everything up and running in the first place...talking about my own experience when I got a little deeper into modding.
so take my advice only if you are familiar with file handling using the standard windows explorer thingie;
0) make sure you have a working 4.12.2 PLUS MODACT 5.3 PLUS AI FLYABLES (the latter just to be sure
) game up and running! test if the modact stuff works!
1) copy all the zip files you got after the torrent PLUS all the expansion packs into a single temporary folder - you can name that folder as you please
2) Get a beer/coffee/zigarette/whatever and start to unzip all the zipped files in sequence - it takes about 15 to 25 minutes to do that;
3) if any of the unzippling processes ask you for permission to overwrite (stay in sequence) - YESSSSSS let it do so
4) after you have finished unzipping everything - nicynice, you should have a very large temporary folder now containing all the stuff you need for modding your game
5) now mark and copy the WHOLE CONTENT OF THE TEMPORARY FOLDER (not the folder itself) over into the root directory of your WORKING 4.12.2 + Modact 5.3
folder; if ask for permission to overwrite stuff - YESSS AGAIN
6) everything should work now as advertised - from starting with the basic MA5.3 game to a full BAT experience, it took me about an hour (I had to cuddle our puppy
dog and play with her in between as well) so the whole process is fairly quick and fairly easy and straightforward;
this should work - oh and do not forget to set up your conf.ini properly as well, guides on how to do that can be found here in the forums.....
let us know how it worked out