If anyone has run into this map behaving oddly when you are flying along the edges of the map - say around Ceuta/Gibraltar or Guadix - there is a fix for this which i will post soon - several new textures are 16million color tga's or 3mb sized files, while they should be 8bit, 256 colors and 1 mb sized files ...
You can either reduce the respective files yourself by looking for the 3mb sized texture files in the Andalucia_2 folder, or else wait fr the new textures which i will post here ...
I decreased manually color depth in IrfanView to 256 colors, 8 Bits, of the all files having initially 3MB size, in tex/ag/ Andalucia_2 folder, but with no help: map loads in FMB, the mission there created is saved, can be loaded, but when trying to fly it, the PC freezes, the only remedy being the task manager.
EDIT: I use HSFX4.1.
EDIT No2: I installed the map into my 409 version with SAS modact, first with 3MB texture tga files: the mission created on the map in FMB was saveable and flyable, but with flickering sometimes, which was removed temporarily by pressing any button.
Next, i replaced texture tga files with 1MB ones, as above. And voila: any flickering was removed.
Conclusions: there are two kinds of troubles: 3MB tga files, perhaps for some graphic cards ( I have Nvidia GeForce 8600 GT, Pentium 4 3GHz , 2GB RAM )and , something in HSFX4.1 install, like observed both Lejo at AAA and me here.