Hellon Mick, trouble is I am actually trialing the engine emd for each type that should give that sort of performance but the best I got was 230kmh.
I appreciate that there are all kinds of parameters to take into consideration when making a FM and EMD but the He46 that we were using is not a
long way from the Hs-126 in overall proportions and weights etc.
Like you say, any volunteers.
Moral of the story is when you look at something and decide you can do that, think again, check your references, do not bother with it and
leave it to someone else.
Anyway, I have now done everything again so I have a 126A and 126A__Slats, new entries, new statics and it uses the emd of the 132 Dc 880.
Still needs a gun and the racks sorting out though, any takers.
Take care.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.