Can someone please help me and tell me where I can download that German skin with yellow nose I saw in the first post?
It was available in the original download unfortunately due to various updates it was missed so here is the skin from my
folders, I hope Edlor does not mind me posting: update Dreamk sent me has been sitting on my hard drive now for some time but I finally made a attempt to add the
rack I made to Dreamk's new weapon options.
The classes are unaltered from what Dreamk sent all I have done is replace his 3D in the folder he used to for his own rack
with mine I made for the port side and altered the hooks to accept the load for it.
Dreamk's smoke pod on my rack:
Dreamk flares in use
These are just two of a variety of load out he has made in the update he sent me, all excellent additions.
I do not want to put a link here yet as I have encountered a few issues:
The Mod works in my 4.12 with ModAct 5.30, however, unless I place it at the upper end of my folder structure I
get a CTD at 100% when loading the QMB mission.
In a BAT install the mod needs to be loaded above the weapons options.
Only certain options show in a 4.10 install, not sure why as they all did previously and all the options seem to be
included in the arms folder.
I de-compiled the classes to see what the issue was but am unsure as to what Dreamk has done there as the types are now
missing all the previous load outs and only show certain ones, maybe another class adds the previous ones I do not know, beyond
my capabilities, sorry.
There was no read me from Dreamk so I would not be able to make any recommendations to the user as to what your install might require but the air.ini
entries have not changed.
The previous version worked in three different installs, I cannot test 4.09 as I do not have one and 4.10 has the problems mentioned.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.