Are the flares shown above available for general release yet? They look great, love the smoke also
Hello sparky, there are a number of weapon packs that are made by Dreamk out there that contain all manner of bombs, guns, flares and racks, the armament for the Hs-126 contains some existing items and certain ones made specifically for this mod so it could well be those flares can be found in another mod, not sure.
Weapon options need to be decided upon by the modder as they are entered in the aircraft classes, in some instances Dreamk and others have altered existing aircraft to accept the options contained within his arms packs so usually the user has to use what options come in the mod.
The reason you do not have a link to what I posted is the update needs testing further, unfortunately as I mentioned I am not entirely sure how Dreamk has put this together as he changed elements of the java to utilise some of the armaments he designed and he also uses things called cod files that most likely contain the information I could not find, sadly I do not know how to open or compile those items so am unable to figure out at the moment why some things show in other installs and some not.
There is a link to the update available for testing elsewhere but I am reluctant to make it available to the public because if they encounter any difficulties I would not be able to put right any issues and unfortunately at the moment I am unable to spend much time at the PC to investigate further and without help from Dreamk or others I do not know when or if I can post a satisfactory version, sorry.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.