Now, I was able to "sort of" produce a view similar to what Captain Dawson posted on those few places I mentioned in (1) above if I reduced my Landscape Detail from "Perfect" to anything else... The rivers were displayed with some parts water and some parts land. However, I was still able to land on the water.
I you try it in highest altitude river, like near Andorra or the south end of Northwest Spain maps you will see it. Move around in 3D view and you will see the texture depth difference I was talking about. When the camera is stationary, everything looks as it should be. It's when you start to move around at low-level that you start to see issues.
I disassembled all the Spain-Jir map files and looked at how Jir built the maps. The Map_H (height map) and the Map_C (land/water map) all appear to be built correctly. The water height in IL2 must be at RGB 0 (Black) to be useable in the game by aircraft and ships. If it is created using any other number it cannot be landed on nor will AI ships use it. All of his water (sea & rivers) are set to a "0" height.
Ok, well this would probably explain it then.
First, I would make sure you have Landscape Detail set to perfect. Other than that, it might be bad download files or graphics card settings??? Sorry I can't be more specific but that's all I can think of from my end.
It's on perfect. This is either simply a map issue, of a deficiency in my PC. Or both.
After more extensive searching, I found the same issue in a similar map of VP Modpack. So yes, it is a map issue as you said. I apologize I did not realize this before, I simply saw it in BAT and had never seen the issue before in other modpacks, so I assumed it was only in BAT. Turns out, BAT is the first modpack I've used that has a lot of high altitude water maps, so first time I notice. I am actually surprised not many people have noticed this before, because this issue really affects the low-flying playability of the Spain maps at high altitude. Typically, you would not notice sea level water in raised-altitude rivers, and usually maps conceal this by raising the river banks only slightly above the water level, as in War over Italy. In above-sea-level maps like Slovakia, the map maker can simply make the sea level higher to match the rivers and "pretend" the rivers are at sea level, since there is no ocean in Slovakia. In Spain maps however, the changes in altitude are so dramatic, the water can't be
both at sea level and high altitude at same time, possibly due to game's limitation. So basically no fix for me. At least now I understand why!
I think now I understand why I was only one that noticed the problem, because I was flying too low over Spain rivers.
Solution: If I fly at
safe altitude, since this is only visible at low-level flight, I won't see the problem! I love it when a plan comes together!
Thank you for your help guys! Unless you have other points, I'm done I guess.