G'day Sharkzz, hope this helps mate.
Ok, On reading through this thread, we know that there aren't texture and map folders as we had in CUP. BUT, to solve this Chute problem I tried a few things just to see what would happen. In regards to the Chute map, which quite a few of us had/have problems with, in CUP, We, the problem children (lol), worked out that changing texture tga names worked, as well as adding files ie: land textures etc, and mixing up what chute maps we could lay our hands on, fixed the problem. SO SAYING, In WAW2 - MAPS folder I 1st placed into the WAW2 maps folder texture and "working" Chute maps folders, renaming the water texture fixed the summer chute map, but didn't fix the winter map I still got in FMB the missing land error text you get in FMB when the map doesn't load correctly. So saying again, (sorry to repeat myself so much but it's 4.31 am here and lack of sleep due to pain I am only able to get 2 to 3 hours sleep a night for the last 6 months and it's taking it's toll), I copied a winter Chute map folder WHOLEY into the WAW2 MAPS folder, (to fix the winter map). and NOW, I have working winter and summer Chute maps. I DID NOT HAVE TO ALTER ANY TEXT IN THE "all in" file. ! Lanc campaign loads and works great as well as being able to open in FMB BOTH Chute maps. ( phew !).
So in my case, (I am NOT certain about other people's installs of BAT), JUST placing a texture folder with known working map folders, in this case Chute, has ixed the problem with no noticeable bad effects to the game. ALL is going great .
I hope this helps those in need. If you need some help with a clearer explanation PLEASE ask me and I will endeavour to help you as much as I can, with my limited knowledge and intelligence (not much I'm afraid in that area lol).
Cheers to ALL...... BAT is truly the next BEST step in what SAS has been doing with IL2 and I am extremely happy and enjoying BAT !.
To Sharkzz, from Sharkzz
Thanks m8 LOL....
~S~ Salutae'