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Author Topic: Black Sea map (summer & winter)  (Read 15966 times)

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Re: Black Sea map (summer & winter)
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2017, 02:41:01 AM »

By the way, regarding historical temperature data mentioned by Toobone. Ice fields in Kerchen Strait and along the coast of Azov Sea make sense in any winter map of this area.
unfortunately, as far as I know, it's impossible to have ice on just parts of the map's water area.  Ice has to be on all water or no ice at all.

Has this been accomplished on any other map?

The only way I can think of to have ice on parts of the water area is to re-do Map_c and make parts of the water into land and then on Map_T put an ice texture on that area. 

That is the only way indeed to simulate ice floes.
I remember to have seen screenshots of a WIP map with ice floes done that way and it looked convincing.
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Re: Black Sea map (summer & winter)
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2017, 03:22:38 PM »

Thanks for explanation about the ice. If that is so complicated then probably does not worth the efforts.


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Re: Black Sea map (summer & winter)
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2017, 05:32:12 PM »

Why not just make ice "Objects" ?
I thought I heard that these had been made somewhere already.
Ice Floes - Flat objects of various shapes and sizes
Ice Bergs - Could simply recolour the "Ore Pile" that is already an object for the simplest solution ,
but ideally Bergs could be a few different shapes and sizes as well.

If someone wanted to be clever , they could be built as "Ships" and given a slow speed so they could drift.



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Re: Black Sea map (summer & winter)
« Reply #15 on: February 18, 2017, 06:21:56 PM »

That's a very good idea.
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Re: Black Sea map (summer & winter)
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2017, 05:12:58 AM »

Why not just make ice "Objects" ?
I thought I heard that these had been made somewhere already.
Ice Floes - Flat objects of various shapes and sizes
Ice Bergs - Could simply recolour the "Ore Pile" that is already an object for the simplest solution ,
but ideally Bergs could be a few different shapes and sizes as well.

If someone wanted to be clever , they could be built as "Ships" and given a slow speed so they could drift.


Good idea.
Yet I wonder how many objects will be needed to cover let's say 100 sq nm area and how that will impact game's performance. But I know nothing about map making, experts can tell better.


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Re: Black Sea map (summer & winter)
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2017, 05:56:37 AM »

Why not just make ice "Objects" ?
I thought I heard that these had been made somewhere already.
Ice Floes - Flat objects of various shapes and sizes
Ice Bergs - Could simply recolour the "Ore Pile" that is already an object for the simplest solution ,
but ideally Bergs could be a few different shapes and sizes as well.

If someone wanted to be clever , they could be built as "Ships" and given a slow speed so they could drift.


Icebergs to be found here:
I repainted several in game mountain objects a couple of years ago.  ;)
Like Crimea Rock and Mount Suribachi.

Ice floes can be made by reskinning Canonuk's dock objects or repainting 2D objects like landing strips etc.
I have tried that already but it did not look convincing. Besides that it is a time consuming and painstaking job to fill up the rivers.
Then you realise how small these objects really are and how many rivers a map has.  :D
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Re: Black Sea map (summer & winter)
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2017, 03:36:48 AM »

I am with CTx for map_c/map_t work.
I have a cunning plan for Leningrad and it will involve modifying map_c and overlaying with some plates objects with alpha channels.
You will have to use the plates objects in a sensible manner. With LODs limitation you will end up with "popping up" ice as you fly towards the plates.

Not there yet (learning GMax...and getting the summer map right) but I am sure we can get a transition from melted to half-frozen then to fully frozen. If anything I will get rid of the water and replace it with a texture(s) that look like ice.
Around Leningrad not the whole of Ladoga gets frozen and not all of the Gulf of Finland gets completely frozen. Even the Neva is not always completely frozen
Here is an old screenshot of my younger years with swampy/very shallow parts: https://yadi.sk/i/b_cEkf6b3EHpFQ (see just at the wing root of the plane), I am sure we can get something better than all ice/no ice (like the Finsgulf winter map).
I expect to have to trade some of the textures used for summer (fields, bush areas) to get some variety in ice representation ... As long as everybody is happy with the whole thing being ready in 2028, it's all good!!!

Also I only have seven (map_c) rivers on my map, this will not be hard to fill...lots of lakes though!



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Re: Black Sea map (summer & winter)
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2017, 05:12:11 AM »

Even the Neva is not always completely frozen[/url]
Zoran, Neva was completely frozen in winter dec-jan.1941-42, free water after bombing or ships traffic only.
Famous documentary movie, find a winter views after 11 minute:

Sorry, used Linux, poor knowledge :-[


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Re: Black Sea map (summer & winter)
« Reply #20 on: February 23, 2017, 04:55:27 AM »

The only way I can think of to have ice on parts of the water area is to re-do Map_c and make parts of the water into land and then on Map_T put an ice texture on that area.
Indid ;D

a lot of extra trouble just for some ice - if it's even possible.
Possible ;) Sea ice & river ice separately from each other too ;) But some "extra trouble just for some ice".


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Re: Black Sea map (summer & winter)
« Reply #21 on: February 24, 2017, 02:59:16 PM »

Thank you Toobone for the Youtube link (I use Linux too!)

Here is another example of mixed textures, future map_c + map_t work: Kronstadt harbour, May 1942



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Re: Black Sea map (summer & winter)
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2017, 07:38:14 AM »

Dear map makers, if someone continues to work on this map, please give us some heads up. It will be appreciated.


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Re: Black Sea map (summer & winter)
« Reply #23 on: March 15, 2018, 05:38:37 AM »

Photo from detailed Crimea mapsbook, 1985 year (sorry, used telephone):

So, after erasing North-Crimean Irrigation Channel & several water reservoirs will have a historically accurate view of the Crimea landskape for 1941-1944.

Famous history map of Crimea, prewar RKKA, hard black color lines are railways:

& RKKA map of Kuban:
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