Dear Dreamk,
thank you for your help.
I had already a more complete table including the Mk7mod5A from your Aerial Torpedoes Folder from CUP and your table is included in the BAT manual.
Some aircrafts use other designation of torpedoes than yours, certainly as an heritage from previous version of the game. Limits for max altitude and speed appear anyway on the screen even in this case. I have noticed that for the He-111H6, the only He111 able to launch torpedoes , there is only one selection: 2 torpedoes LTF5B(salvo) but when I run a mission, on the screen appears: torpedo 45-12-AN (a russian one) max 30 m max 205 km/h, that is a bit confusing.
I fear that just adding your lines in the weapons folder of these aircrafts shall bring problems beyond my ability?
Your fantastic job is very useful. The actual pilots had the figures in their mind when they attacked. Since the min altitude can also bring trouble, wouldn't it be useful to have the min altitude next to max altitude and max speed in the right corner of the screen. Don't ask me to look at a paper on my desk when I fly at 5 meters above the sea at 200 km/h with a TBF1 for instance.
Is that not possible by just adding a line in conf.ini?
By the way, how can I get the AOB and spread parameters in the Ju88?
I hope I don't bore you.
Best regards.