Hello guys, here is my version of the Grigorovich for you to have a play with.

Mediafire link:
https://www.mediafire.com/?79mg3pw883moyzgStatics included:

3D model: Gio963tto.
Default skin: Stalker
Slot and changes to cockpit folders and FM: Pete Shaw aka Mission_bug.
Uses decompiled and renamed classes from the 'AIRCRAFT_Lohner_Macchi'.
FM uses the files 'Clerget9B_U3' and 'U-2VSLBB' renamed for this aircraft.
Tested in DBW 1916, DBW 1.71 and TD 4.12 with SAS ModAct 5.30.
With the introduction of the 4.12 version of the game the prevoius entry of 'SailPlane' was changed to 'SeaPlane', the the classes in the folder 'Change to seaplane for 412' should be used to over write the existing ones in the mod so that it will perform a landing on a water airfield in your 4.12 game version.
The cockpis of both aircraft have the second crew member added, however, because of the way the gun works if it moves you will see another figure besides that it is the one from the aircraft itself moving. If this is annoying just delete the entries from the cockpit folder for those meshes.
If you change skin from the default your cockpits will continue to show the default.
Add the folder'AIRCRAFT_Grigorovich M5-M9' to your mod folder and add the following:
Grigorovich_M5 air.Grigorovich_M5 NOINFO ru01 SUMMER
Grigorovich_M9 air.Grigorovich_M9 NOINFO ru01 SUMMER
Grigorovich_M5 Grigorovich_M5, 1915
Grigorovich_M9 Grigorovich_M9 , 1916
# Grigorovich_M5
Grigorovich_M5.default Default
Grigorovich_M5.1Vickers 1 Vickers MG
Grigorovich_M5.1Vickers2xFAB50 1 Vickers MG + 2 50kg HE
Grigorovich_M5.1Vickers4xFAB50 1 Vickers MG + 4 50kg HE
Grigorovich_M5.none none
# Grigorovich_M9
Grigorovich_M9.default Default
Grigorovich_M9.1Vickers 1 Vickers MG
Grigorovich_M9.1Vickers2xFAB50 1 Vickers MG + 2 50kg HE
Grigorovich_M9.1Vickers4xFAB50 1 Vickers MG + 4 50kg HE
Grigorovich_M9.none none
Skins folders:
If you wish to use the self stationary folders included an one or both to you mod folder
and add the following:
Grigorovich_M5 vehicles.planes.Grigorovich_M5Static$Grigorovich_M5 1
Grigorovich_M9 vehicles.planes.Grigorovich_M9Static$Grigorovich_M9 1
// Self Stationary planes
Description Grigorovich_M5
Icon Plane
Class air.Grigorovich_M5
PanzerBodyFront 0.008
Description Grigorovich_M9
Icon Plane
Class air.Grigorovich_M9
PanzerBodyFront 0.008
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.