My problem is fairly simple but I have no clue how to fix it because, sadly, I am about as computer illiterate as they come and I didn't follow simple instructions. I had C.U.P. on my last install until my computer bit the dust. I took it to the shop and they replaced the hard drive and when I got it back I found out that I would not be able to replace the (literally) thousands of dollars worth of games I had installed through Steam because my email account that I used for Steam has been deactivated. So, after months of being too pissed off to bother with any of it, I decided I'd open a new Steam account, drop $5 on another IL-2 and start from scratch. Except that it didn't start from scratch.
C.U.P. was no longer activated and the game ran in stock mode but upon going into the game files I see that JSGME and a bunch of C.U.P. folders are still present. I have no idea how or why that is, but it is. I'm not savvy enough to know exactly which files are original and which aren't and because I had also mishmashed a bunch of other mods during my last IL-2 spree, it's even more confusing than it should be. So, I uninstalled the game, reinstalled it, and they are all still there. I deleted some of the stuff that I KNEW wasn't vanilla but this time around I want to do things right, start with a real clean install, and make a back up before I go meddling in the world of black magic called modding. So, how do I get the game to revert back to the original, clean, vanilla 4.12 so that I can join in on the fun with BAT?