I hope you are all well. For Eldor’s excellent DH.103 Hornets, slots and basic flight models (including an .emd for both left and right handed Merlins) have been created along with stationary aircraft for the F.1, F.3, F.20 and NF.21 models. The Sea Hornet’s folding wings and tail hooks have been tweaked and pilot model swapped out (four custom Hornet pilot skins also created).
I have added some ‘what if’ post WW2 guided weapons for the late model DH.103’s, in particular the Sea Hornets, to give some more capability in maritime strike. Ordnance / pylon 3do & classes complete, and aircraft loadouts are listed below.

In addition, Hornet pilots have access to a basic Combat Information Centre (CIC) which relays information about airborne, maritime and ground elements in the aircraft’s immediate area. CIC is engaged by using the Toggle Radar Mode key and has five information channels:
Hostile Aircraft - gives direction, distance and relative altitude to enemy aircraft contacts within 90km (accuracy ±5km except for the AI radar equipped NF.21 which is accurate to ±100m)
Enemy Vessels - gives bearing and range to any hostile ship within 60km (accuracy ±5km except for the ASV radar equipped NF.21 which is accurate to ±100m)
Hostile Ground Forces - gives direction and distance to enemy tanks, vehicles, and artillery within 30km (simulating battlefield observation posts and has an accuracy ±1km). Targeting information changes if the current target is destroyed.
Friendly Carrier - gives range and bearing to friendly carriers (this also includes land-based arrestor cable traps) within 90km (accuracy ±5km)
Radio Silence - mutes this communications channel
Also, NF.21’s radar operator animation added (head movement) and they will no longer go down with the ship, bailing out if the pilot is killed. ASH radar console is in progress and I will post some pics of this next week.
To do justice to Eldor’s work, I am going spend a few more weeks implementing active collision boxes, a basic skin damage model, and some simple second level LOD’s for these aircraft.
cheers mace