It really is working as advertised isn't it! The in field comms give you the feeling of being part of a larger team and also provide real time situational information. As a strike pilot you have the flying FACs and ground observers talking back to you. I don't know of any other combat sim that does this!
A lot of more modern sims have fancy graphics and avionics with smart displays and buttons to push. B.A.T. has a guy on ground with a radio talking to you and a fast FAC smoking targets and guiding you in! I know where I would rather be. Putting these together in FMB has been a steep learning curve but now everyone can take a close look and see how its done.
Ultimately we shall have a series of very intense missions/campaigns where you are flogged hard on a particular type for 10 missions or so. The most effective way to learn the systems is by doing these. We have some great aircraft coming for S.E.A. but already have good Huns, Thuds, Scooters and Smokers.
All have their quirks. The Scooter is a beautiful, manouvreable bomb truck. The Thud is even more impressive, with a perfect CCIP, but turns like a supertanker. The Hun is light, actually the choice of most Fast FACs, and this shall be put to work nailing SAM Sites and hunting enemy ground traffic. The Phantom II, does a little of everything. Our model is very mature now, armed to the teeth and very functional. Throw in some more ARA and some Ass n Trash and we have over 50 missions up on the DMZ in Jan/Feb '68 that just wrote themselves. Stay tuned!