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Author Topic: Image upload problems  (Read 3275 times)

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Re: Image upload problems
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2017, 01:57:50 AM »

Yep, "Amphi" is a nice old lady, I've had a great time there.
Just crawled my archives but most of the old pictures seem to be lost. It's been the time when we didn't have digital imaging yet, so you didn't take back a harddisk full of pictures from a "Törn" but just two films of 24 pictures each.

Nevertheless, I could find a few and my wife contributed a couple too.

Here we are boarding in Kiel, Satorius pier, this was in 1986 or 1987, can't remember exactly. My wife has been there with a newspaper team taking pictures for a story about our ship&crew. Red arrow pointing at me:

Another boarding image, Amphitrite in front view:

My wife Anne back in those days.
We haven't been a couple yet, she's just been one of those lubbers standing in your way.
No, it wasn't me taking those pictures, it's been a colleague from the newspaper team:

My Captain. He's had a name too but I can't remember. We called him "Captain" and "Sir". I had to swab the deck for daring to take this picture of him:
@Edit: His name was "Mike", how could I forget that lol :))

My bosun "Geo". I have no idea what his real name was, he was called "Geo" only. A great man to learn anything that keeps you alive while being aboard:

Our Chief Officer. We called him "1 WO", a quite experienced sailor but I didn't have to deal with him too much:

My teacher Ernst "Potato Fritz" Hubertus Dr. von Tyszka, a former F-84 pilot of the German Air Force. A really great guy, learned a lot from him.
He died way too early from cancer.

The foreship, my working place. To the left is "Jack", a chinese guy, then "Fritz" and behind him someone I can't remember, I think he was our machinist (in that case... wtf is he doing there? Dunno...):

Our ladies doing what they could do best when the sun was shining: Nothing but looking nice.

Our ladies doing what they could do best when the sun wasn't shining: Standing in your way, debating about all the world and his wife.
The right girl made a doctor's degree later, the others no clue...

Best regards - Mike'
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Re: Image upload problems
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2017, 03:37:11 AM »

What a nice looking wife you got - lucky you.

Looks like Frederiksborg in the background


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Re: Image upload problems
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2017, 04:41:53 AM »

Well spotted, that's indeed Frederiksborg.
My wife's mother is danish.
The newspaper team met us in Ebeltoft and they visited Copenhagen on their way back to Hamburg. Must have stopped by at Frederiksborg apparently, no idea, I've been aboard at that time.

Best regards - Mike
Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.


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Re: Image upload problems
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2017, 03:13:31 PM »

"Geo" looks like real boatswain should: a bit stocky with serious face. Most of my bosuns had some common features.
Thanks for pics.

I missed a sailing vessel in my maritime career. Just bad luck: we, young cadets, were supposed to join "Tovarisch" barque (ex Gorch Fock), but another cadet jumped the ship in Miami and asked for political refuge. So Party and KGB decided to keep the barque away of our marine school for awhile.
I still consider all that rigging and sails work as a kind of mystic art. How a ship can sail without an engine against the wind...Black magic, I guess.  8)


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Re: Image upload problems
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2017, 03:45:08 AM »

You're welcome Dimlee.
Sailing is just great, believe me.
I could never own a motorboat, I'm spoiled for lifetime.
It's not that much of mystic art if you have the right people teaching where to pull when ;)
Geo was indeed a great bosun, a father figure of a kind.
Mike was a great captain too, and I can't stress enough what a great guy my teacher "Fritz" was.

Memory slowly returns... the girl to the right on the last picture was named "Ariane".
She's been working in the mizzen deck crew, farthest away from my usual workplace (foreship) which probably was a good thing.
When we were just "cruising" and not participating in a regatta, we were working in two shifts at night and "all hands" during daytime (Regatta was three shift 24 hours, with interrupts for every kind of "all hands" maneouvre, which basically meant you would never get more than an hour of continuous sleep time).

Since the mizzen deck crew had the least to do of all crews, they were responsible for providing the helmsman during cruising daytime (at shift work, the active crew provided the helmsman).
Ariane never fully disclosed the secret of steering a ship, so her bosun put her on helmsman post over and over again, hoping she'd somehow get her act together one day. She never got.

It was always funny - in a way, once you got used to it - when we were sailing in heavy seas and Ariane failed to ride the waves again.
The more wind there was, the more busy we were with the headsails, and we've been on the jib boom with four hands on a storm ride all the time usually - this was my favourite place, in doubt you could always find me far out on the jib boom handling the flying jib.
Then there comes the moment when you suddenly figure that Ariane managed to turn with the swell instead going against it, and you see the roller coming along portside, easily three men higher than you are.
Your ship dives down the wave trough, the jib boom tries to escape below you and all that's left for you to do is grab something to get hold on, take a deep breath and wait for the roller to come across you.
I think Ariane did that a few hundred times to me.

Old memories. Not always funny when it happened, but a great pleasure to remember.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: Image upload problems
« Reply #17 on: May 10, 2017, 05:10:44 AM »

I love this ship:

Dutch East Indiaman "Duyfken"
There is a full size (65 ft) replica in Fremantle

I am building this wooden 1:50 maquette from scratch, based on pics collected from everywhere:

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