SYLDAVIAN-BORDURIAN WARS 1939 & 1945Fictional dynamic campaigns for DCG and BATUpdated to use DCG 3.49 Final
Syldavian Dragonflies patrolling over Zymylpathian mountainsDownload Mediafire: 1939Syldavia and Borduria, two small neighbouring countries between the sea and the Zymylpathian mountains. Their relations have always been cold at the best and throughout the centuries they have warred several times. And once again a war is imminent.
Syldavia is quite developed in aviation technology. They design and build their own quite advanced Dragonfly fighters in their R&D Centre in Sprodj. However, production of Dragonflies is limited, so they mostly use equipment obtained from western allies, mostly Great Britain, USA and the Netherlands.
In Borduria there was a nazi coup d'etat in 1937. After that they have bought military equipment from Germany only. Germans have sold them mostly equipment they don't need, such as out-of-date models and ex-Czechoslovakian equipment. Before coup d'etat Borduria was quite close with Poland and they still use some old Polish equipment, too.
Both sides are short of aircraft and they send everything they can to the front - including trainers. Both sides receive some upgrades during the war.
Available careers:Syldavian pilot (RAF):Dragonfly 36A Fighter
Hawker Hurricane I Fighter
Curtiss F6C4 Hawk Fighter
Grumman Delfin Fighter Replaced by Gloster Sea Gladiator
Martin WH-1 Bomber
Fairey Battle Bomber
North Am AT-6 Texan Ground Attack
Fokker G.I Heavy Fighter
Koolhoven FK.51 Reconnaissance
Vildebeest Sea Seaplane
Lockheed Super Electra Transport
Bordurian Pilot (Luftwaffe):
Heinkel He-129 B-0 Fighter
Messerschmitt Bf-109 D-1 Fighter
Heinkel He-51 C-1 Fighter
PWS-10 Fighter
Avia B-71 Bomber
Junkers Ju-52 Bomber
PWS-26 Ground Attack
Messerschmitt Bf-110 C-1 Heavy Fighter
Letov S-328 Reconnaissance
Avia B-534 Float Seaplane
Junkers W34 Transport
Autumn 1945World War 2 is over. And, once again, Syldavia and Borduria are in conflict with one another.
In WW2 Syldavia fought along the Allies and they use mostly British and American equipment - and, of course, an improved version of the Dragonfly.
Borduria fought along the Axis until they swapped side in late 1944 and came close to Soviets. During the WW2 Luftwaffe had a top secret test flight centre in Borduria. The test flight centre and all the experimental aircraft there were left behind when the Germans left Borduria in a hurry.
Available careers:
Syldavian pilot (RAF):Dragonfly 42A Fighter
Hawker Tempest V Fighter
Curtiss P-40N Warhawk Fighter
Grumman Hellcat II Fighter
Martin B-26B Marauder Bomber
Fairey Barracuda Bomber
Bristol Beaufighter X Ground Attack
Lockheed P-38L Heavy Fighter
Lockheed Hudson Reconnaissance
Hawker Monsoon Seaplane
Douglas C-47B Transport
Bordurian Pilot (Luftwaffe):Heinkel He-100 Fighter
Messerschmitt Bf-109 G-14 Fighter
Messerschmitt Me-509 Fighter
Ta-183 Huckebein Jet Fighter
Junkers Ju-388 Störtebeker Bomber
Dornier Do-217 M-1 Bomber
Messerschmitt Me-210 CA Ground Attack
Dornier Do-335 V-13 Heavy Fighter
Arado Ar-196 T-1 Reconnaissance
Messerschmitt Bf-109W2 Seaplane
Siebel Si-204 Transport
NOTE: Syldavia = RAF
Borduria = Luftwaffe Syldavian ranks, names and awards are British and Bordurian ranks, names and awards are German. However, roundels are correct and radio chatter is in Syldavian/Bordurian.
That is the best I can do. Sorry. If you know how to make Syldavia and Borduria to work as their own nations in DCG please let me know.
Other German and RAF squadrons work normally.
Some AI squadrons are updated by timetable commands during Syldavia-Borduria 1939 campaign and all of them are updated when campaign switches from Syldavia-Borduria 1939 to Syldavia-Borduria 1945. However, there are no updates for player squadron. Please use DCG squadron editor to upgrade your plane to whatever you want.
Requirements:B.A.T Expansion pack 12 or later
DCG 3.49 Final or later Recommended:Data Integrity Tool by sniperton:,51325.0.htmlInstallation: Decompress the Syldavia-Borduria.rar into your DCG home directory.
Make a backup of the DGEN directory in you IL-2 game directory and copy DGEN folder from Syldavia-Borduria folder to main game folder, overwrite if prompted.
Copy Skins Folder from Syldavia-Borduria folder and paste it over PaintSchemes/Skins in four IL-2 game directory.
Start DCG, select Optional Third Party Data Folder.
Navigate to the Syldavia-Borduria folder and select allcampaigns.dcg
Select Off Line Career (Full Auto-Generation Mode) in the DCG main screen.
Launch Il-2 and select one of the above-mentioned careers.
How to install and get started with DCG:,20872.msg225690.html#msg225690Credits and thanks:SAS team for BAT
Paul Lowengrin for DCG
Tailspin and Lonestar for DCG tutorials that got me started creating DCG campaigns a long time ago