I would like to request/suggest a special target trigger, the primary use being - having a target for cargo planes.
Currently, doing campaigns and missions for paratroop-carrying planes, cargo planes and mine-laying planes is possible, but it is missing the target-capability, like you can have with "conventional" bombers or fighters. The way I envisioned, it would be a very multifunctional tool. I will describe basic functions of the trigger and I hope someone wiser than me will take up the work and make it real
if it is modelled fully, it would allow SAR operations (rewarded by points), flying medevac sorties with helicopters or Po-2,... minelaying operations and para operations of course.
Area setting1) checkbox for rectangular/elliptic shape
2) height and
a and
b diameters of the trigger zone (with visualisation in FMB).
3) snap - the trigger should have a snap function, where it follows a selected vehicle - a ship for example
Object1) a single window asking for what object it should register
input should be a class-file name, as it can be a bomb, mine - or an airborne vehicle
Now that superschool has been declassified, finding proper class-file names (full) should not be a problem.
2) ammount - a number that gets decreased (by 1) eachtime another object enters the area (for example, you can set it so that into an area of 2x2x2 km, you have to lay 10 mines)
Points - as it suggests, simply imput which side gets how many points upon completion. This will probably take some reverse engineering of current "target"-objects.
Repear - target gets renewed whenever you finish it. So the more you drop on it, the more points you get.
Advanced options:Timer1) "Stay" parameter - determines how long do the objects have to stay in the area - for example for a SAR mission, a helicopter has to land and take in a passenger - let's put there 5 minutes, with Object being a helicopter
2) "Activate" parameter - trigger goes active only after some time has passed
3) "Deactivate" - similar as above, but after certain time, the target is failed
VelocityMaximum relative velocity between the trigger and the triggering object. So that for example the object has to stop/slow down notably/ to be accounted as valid.
Very special options:OrderIn case it would be wanted that first you need to finish one target to unlock the other - for example land in SAR zone and only then return to specific MASH. Input would be actual number of order, either input from keyboard or as a drop-out choice.
It can possibly be coupled into separate orders (order A, B, C,...) for paralel targets for multiplayer for example - but who even plays multiplayer anymore...
Thank you
PS: ...I really hope this is a valid request.