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Author Topic: Anyone running B.A.T. on Linux?  (Read 17414 times)

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Re: Anyone running B.A.T. on Linux?
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2017, 09:22:53 PM »

Thank you for the clarifications!

I think Wine is problematic at processing possibly all of the B.A.T. ini files, because I have tested leaving only one ini file (a differente one each time), and it would CTD but at a later stage. For example, air.ini caused CTD at 60% if I remember well... I just can't see why, if 4.12.2m works fine, and also 4.10.1m with D.B.W., B.A.T. should also work fine... Maybe the problem is an incompatibility with one of the bundled-in JGSME mods that are not optional any more? If these do modify the ini files


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Re: Anyone running B.A.T. on Linux?
« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2017, 03:04:55 AM »

Just wild guessing, all over the place.
What you need is someone with deep knowledge of IL-2 plus deep knowledge of Wine plus time and will to perform a couple of tests on the Bat+Wine combo.
I know one person who fulfills the first two criteria, but I know for sure that he doesn't match criteria number 3.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: Anyone running B.A.T. on Linux?
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2017, 06:50:12 AM »

For what it's worth, I've installed Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on a laptop today and tried to run IL-2 with Wine on it.
Epic fail.
Whatever Wine version I've used (distro version, Winehq stable or staging version), whatever I did, the most I get is that IL-2 gets up to 70% and is stuck there.
And it completely ignores my conf.ini and doesn't give any log output.
Mind you, that's stock IL-2. I didn't even get to try any modpack.
I have used IL-2 Servers and Clients on Ubuntu 10.x before, but this one is different, just don't ask me why and how.

The question is: How to get IL-2 to run on a reasonably up-to-date linux at all?

Best regards - Mike
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Re: Anyone running B.A.T. on Linux?
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2017, 01:53:06 PM »

For what it's worth, I've installed Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on a laptop today and tried to run IL-2 with Wine on it.
Epic fail.
Whatever Wine version I've used (distro version, Winehq stable or staging version), whatever I did, the most I get is that IL-2 gets up to 70% and is stuck there.
And it completely ignores my conf.ini and doesn't give any log output.
Mind you, that's stock IL-2. I didn't even get to try any modpack.
I have used IL-2 Servers and Clients on Ubuntu 10.x before, but this one is different, just don't ask me why and how.

The question is: How to get IL-2 to run on a reasonably up-to-date linux at all?

Best regards - Mike

I had IL2 working on a Ubuntu 14.04 install.
Switched to 16.04 and .... nohing at all! :( :( :(
Even tried with the PlayOnLinux script: fail!
Still scratching my head: since I stick to LTS, I put my hopes on the 18.04 version (fingers crossed)

saab ja26

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Re: Anyone running B.A.T. on Linux?
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2017, 07:08:33 PM »

I had been running Il2 on Linux for some time Il2 1946 SAS Mod Act 5.03 and installing mods one by one. I tried Ubuntu but switched to Mint because I didn't care for Ubuntu's GUI/task bar set up. I used the latest stable Version of Wine. Worked just fine. JSGME worked fine installing mods. Where I ran into a road block was installing Bat and using the IL2 Selector to choose other time periods as in TFM or BAT. Every single time I switched to WAW or Jet Age or it would crash to desk top usually 30% CTD. I could take that same install and run it under Windows 10 and everything would load just fine. I've tried everything but to no avail. There is a hiccup when using the selector to load other packs but for the life of me I can't figure out what it is. I used to use Cross Over Linux and liked that pretty well. Play on Linux I always had issues with. When wine seemed to be more improved I ditched Cross-over altogether. There is a way to configure Wine to run based on operating system ie using windows XP settings to run Il2. VP Mod pack worked with no problems for me. TFM/Bat nope.
Ryzen 5 2600/Wraith Prism, 32GB RAM, Gigabyte B450 Ds3h RGB, 8gb Radeon RX 580 4TB HDD


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Re: Anyone running B.A.T. on Linux?
« Reply #17 on: July 19, 2017, 10:49:45 PM »

I had IL2 working on a Ubuntu 14.04 install.
Switched to 16.04 and .... nohing at all! :( :( :(
Even tried with the PlayOnLinux script: fail!
Thanks for the confirmation.
I won't install an outdated 14.04 just to follow this issue, sorry.
Funny thing is that according to the Wine DB the game should run fine on 16.04 + Wine 2.2: https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=7102
Doesn't work for me though.

Where I ran into a road block was installing Bat and using the IL2 Selector to choose other time periods as in TFM or BAT. Every single time I switched to WAW or Jet Age or it would crash to desk top usually 30% CTD. (...) There is a hiccup when using the selector to load other packs
All the Selector does when switching time periods is to change one single value in il2fb.ini, you can do this manually if you think the Selector was the culprit.
The time periods are listed in the beginning, when you scroll down you will find a setting "ModType=<Number>" where the number corresponds to the index given in the sections description above.
The description in BAT's il2fb.ini is outdated, but these are the valid settings for current BAT EP:
ModType=0 --> Stock Game
ModType=1 --> SAS Modact
ModType=2 --> BAT DOF
ModType=3 --> BAT TGA
ModType=4 --> BAT WAW
ModType=5 --> BAT JTW

You can open il2fb.ini in a text editor (nano, gedit or whatever you prefer) and just change that "ModType" value to switch periods.
I tell you though that the result will be the same because the Selector isn't the issue here.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: Anyone running B.A.T. on Linux?
« Reply #18 on: July 20, 2017, 05:51:46 AM »

Okay, don't ask me why exactly, but at least Ultrapack 3 works on Ubuntu 16.04 + Wine 2.0.1 for me now.
Things I've changed from the previous (unsuccessful) attempt:
  • Windows Version is set to "Windows XP" now (was "Windows 7" before)
  • Under "Drives" I have mapped my UP3 folder to drive "I:"
  • Under "Graphics" I have enabled the virtual desktop mode with my native screen resolution (turns out this is not required, so better don't)
  • Under "Libraries", I have configured "dinput" as "Native, Builtin"; msvcp71 as "Native" and msvcr71 as "Native".
  • Launching il2 I did like this: run "wine cmd" from a linux terminal. Let the virtual desktop open up. Switch back to the terminal with alt+tab. Change to my UP3 folder by typing in "I:" <return>. Start il2 with "il2fb.exe".

This survived 3 reboots now so I consider it stable.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: Anyone running B.A.T. on Linux?
« Reply #19 on: July 20, 2017, 01:56:39 PM »

I had in fact given up IL2 on Linux a few months ago due to RL.

This topic made try again: I met with some succes (to my great surprise!) See report below.

OS: Ubuntu 16.04 variant CUBUNTU (Adds-on + Cinnamon) kernel 4.4.0-83-generic fully updated
i7-4790 4GHz 16GB RAM Nvidia GTX 750
Saitek X52 + Rudder pedals

SSD with Ubuntu
SSD with W10
HD with all my IL2 installs (2 GB), NTFS format

- via Synaptic select and install playonlinux
   note: I proceed this way because it install all necessary depedencies (wine and all): I am otherwise bound to forget 
            some essentials parts

   Wine version installed this way: 1:1.6.2-Oubuntu14.2 (meta package)
- go straight to my Il2 directory, right-click on Il2 selector and "open with wine"
    In fact, exactly the same way as I do on on windows; I use the same files as I do when I play on W10


Perfectly OK:
- 4.12.2
- 4.13.3
- 4.13.1 SASModact6.1
- BAT SAS ModAct5.3
- UP 2.01

- BAT DOF and TGA: 30%
- TFM 4.12: 20%
- TFM 4.10: DBW 20%
- TFM 4.10: UP3 get stuck at 95%
- VP Modpack: 70%

Absolutely no joy:
- UI 1.2


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Re: Anyone running B.A.T. on Linux?
« Reply #20 on: July 21, 2017, 03:19:43 AM »

Couldn't test too many different versions yet, but Modact 5.3, Modact 6.4 and UP3 + Patch Pack 210 are running fine for me.

Ubuntu 16.04 plain vanilla with all latest patches.
Wine 2.0.2 installed and up to date, straight from winehq.org repo (I've removed the previously installed xenial distro version 1.6.2 of Wine as it gave me nothing but errors).

Most important point for me to convince Wine to run IL-2 was to add the three DLLs:
Under "Libraries", I have configured "dinput" as "Native, Builtin"; msvcp71 as "Native" and msvcr71 as "Native".

Best regards - Mike
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Re: Anyone running B.A.T. on Linux?
« Reply #21 on: July 21, 2017, 03:44:23 AM »


Just got my IL-2 BAT EP12 installation carried over to a USB stick, running WAW on my Wine equipment perfectly fine.
I've had graphical issues with OpenGL due to the lappy's builtin Intel HD graphics, but in DirectX mode everything's fine.

So the combo "Ubuntu 16.04, Wine 2.0.2" and the special setting for the three DLLs mentioned before seems to work with BAT, at least for me it does.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: Anyone running B.A.T. on Linux?
« Reply #22 on: July 21, 2017, 05:59:54 AM »

Couldn't test too many different versions yet, but Modact 5.3, Modact 6.4 and UP3 + Patch Pack 210 are running fine for me.

Ubuntu 16.04 plain vanilla with all latest patches.
Wine 2.0.2 installed and up to date, straight from winehq.org repo (I've removed the previously installed xenial distro version 1.6.2 of Wine as it gave me nothing but errors).

Most important point for me to convince Wine to run IL-2 was to add the three DLLs:
Under "Libraries", I have configured "dinput" as "Native, Builtin"; msvcp71 as "Native" and msvcr71 as "Native".

Best regards - Mike

You are the one, Mike :) :) :)
Modified wine settings according to your instructions and I got all BAT EP12 modules workings.
I kept the wine version from my previous post.
Still no joy with VP modpack though: not yet tried the other versions (lack of time)

Thanks again 


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Re: Anyone running B.A.T. on Linux?
« Reply #23 on: July 22, 2017, 01:12:43 AM »

Great to know that it's working for you too.
I've marked this topic solved now.

Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.
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