For Rebels 4.09
Coming soon...,21310.48.htmlYou remember I could not prevent the death of one of the two pilots during the ejection ?
After all these years I have managed to solve this problem.
It is thanks to an adaptation of a piece of code of the pack IES that I succeeded!
There is still work to be done ...
MiG-15UTI 'Midget' v1.1
Java, FM and classfiles by SAS~Anto and SAS~Storebror
New skins by _Harpia_Mafra55_
New 3D by Red_Fox90
Original 3D by PeterD
Original Cockpit by Freddy and Robo
New pilots by Wolfighter, Crazyflak and Red_Fox90
LOD, Texture and HIM fixes by Birdman
by Epervier (v2.0m)
- conversion 4.09
- fix Opening and closing time for front landing gear hatches
- fix of the systematic death of a pilot after the ejection (Credits to IES_Team)
- add new wheels by PA_Jeronimo