Thanks for the confirmation Kopf,
I'm not sure there was ever a 'Samarinda 1" unless it was an airfield closer to the actual town of Samarinda itself. I've been looking for a reference to Samarinda airfield but can't find one so far.
Czech Texan, thanks for that pointer but I tend not to take Pacific Wrecks as gospel when it comes to precise airfield locations and always prefer to do my own confirmation research. The internet is littered with cut and paste references , especially noticeable on Wikipedia and for certain North African airfield locations since largely disappeared.
I had a errr forthright discussion with one worthy when I questioned his grids for one airfield. "I am acknowledged as an expert in this" says he, "what makes you think you know more than me about this?" "Because I'm looking at the carefully annotated original Luftwaffe happy snaps that give lat and long and you are 12 miles out?" says I lol

I think no matter how much research I do in this, it's always better to try and get a concensus with other people looking at the same thing. That's probably a hangover from my day job though

Many thanks to everyone taking an interest in this, and helping Squash to achieve what he's setting out to do!
Sorry Squash, you posted as I was writing. the feature you mark is 3/4 mile long centered 0°24'50.79"S 117°12'18.92"E so adequate to get a Buffalo off, and is closer to Samarinda. There is also a road link to the East so it would make sense as an airfield location. If the photos hadn't been deliberately smudged I'd be looking for other features that would suggest an airfield. EDIT - The 2002 roolback shows nothing at that location, which may be the result of severe obscuration at the request of the Indo Government. The 2017 image however, shows what we'd all think was an airfield, if only the image was sharper

The annoying thing is I've just remembered I have an exact pre-war reference to Samarinda 1 somewhere in my notes and research material. I'm going to have a dig through tonight to see if I can find it.