Thanks Ivan, my model building is strictly for enjoyment, they might look ok from a distance but close ups show all the areas needing more attention.
Modeling is just like flight simming, there are rivet counters who buy a $30 kit and spend $100 more on after market add ons and casuals like me who do not.
I do buy extra decals though.
Building plastic models seems to be an activity for young and old, those in the middle stop to deal with real life, women, work, kids, etc.
Now kids are mainly occupied by the 6 square inch screen in their hands so other activities, such as looking up, are fading from human life.
Here is a before and after.
I never used to clear cote canopies and have many like this:
Pop them off, clean with soap and water, spray with clear cote and voila, see the crappy interior job.