Horse and sledge moving WIP.
Development thread: model Voz: Molva, AviaSkins.
Texture Voz1: Stalker, Aviaskins.
Humans: gio963tto, from Junker F13.
Java classes, additional 3D and template, modifications to existing 3D: Pete Shaw aka Mission_bug. the folder'Horse and Sledge' into your mod folder.
Add the necessary entries shown in the separate files.
A release for the community to try in their game, uses the original Voz1 with additional humans wearing a winter blanket/animal skin.
To do if developed further:
It has been suggested that the horse be adapted to look as though it walks, this would mean altering the 3D and could distort the horse unacceptably.
The alternate would be to separate the horse and sledge into individual pieces to allow another horse to be added that is already in a moving stance.
The humans use the original textures and could be re-painted to reflect a different occupation.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. 28th July 2017.