HI, no that is the first line in the mission in QuickQMBPro/BAT_WarOverItaly/BAT_WarOverItalyRedNoneA00: [MAIN] MAP Mediterran_W.o.I/Med_W_o_I_load.ini.
I now think there's no load.ini for this map in my Mapmods, search goes on.
Edit: Ok, I now can say that the folder Mediterran_W.o.I definitive is not in the default* MAPMODS/Maps. See also Nicholaiovitch' post 'Map missing from all.ini file' at
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,56466.0/topicseen.html and Vampire_pilot's reaction above.
The thread for this map:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,16466.0.html is a bit odd; no screenshots, no download link except on provided by asheshouse (thank you asheshouse) and much confusion among the readers. I downloaded the map, put the folder Mediterran_W.o.I with only Med_W_o_I_load in it into my MAPMOD/Maps. In the load.ini was CAMOUFLAGE = SUMMER.
This I also find very confusing; 3 maps of the same area and only one with CAMOUFLAGE = MTO)
But changing SUMMER into MTO isn't tha tdifficult, only the result is a Green camouflaged default Liberator. That was yesterday.
Today I wanted to put my findings in this post so I checked everything again. Still a Green default Liberator. Than I copied the line CAMOUFLAGE = DESERT from the MTO map and pasted it in Med_W_o_I_load.ini than the skin changed! I than changed DESERT into MTO and it worked! I've checked if there perhaps was a typo in the original load.ini, but could not find any.
Said it earlier; this game sometimes seems to be invented to drive me crazy!
So I request Monty to add the folder and load.ini to a future update.
Default* is with DEF-SKIES_#3WAW activated trough JSGME