Although the British captured most of the Equipment in service, they feared
to fly it rocket assisted.
Please, Eric Brown in all glory who seated the Kraftei but never
managed to fly it sharp (rocket assisted) is prominent for sure, but his expertise
not worth mentioning. Read his Bio, so quote him on everything else he flew.
He theoretically flew it, never practically got the sense of what he recalled
years after it, and after saying. Why should they spend fuel in that late stages of war on two more
Bf110, not in their combat career and not mentioned by Ziegler and Späte, guys
who flew under combat conditions.
VP is right
Allies and Tests, only Russians come into my mind.
The Russkies had the guts to produce needed T- and C-Stoff propellants, few tons,
for at least 10 sharp Trials/Flights.