Hey Phantom, good morning Mike!
thats a great find (the Engine Mod one) need to check that

concerning ships, I found a very odd one and one that is not very important but nevertheless might be the tip of something bigger (I hope not)
besides the stock modules, I run a prototype PTO decicated self modded module I have named PAW (Pacific AirWar);
I will not go into much details, but I tried to add some ships (Long Hull Essex Carriers and the Korean War Boxer and Kearsarge) and add a modified USSBBGeneric (to substitute the horrible KGV class RN BBs with the Colorado class US BBs);
while I could add the carriers after messing around with the load order of the class file folders, I could not get the USSBBGeneric to run, always crashing the game at 70% loading)
as said, it is not a big issue, no, its not an issue at all for guys who mostly play ETO, but it can get troublesome for campaigns involving USSBBGeneric entries;
I will try to see how the ships in my module (both stock and modded) behave and will post results here;
one thing I noticed though is that the log file from running the stock module gives an error about some mat files for ships (dunno by heart how they are called), but might it be that the ships just do not give the graphic appearance of moving (missing a bow wave or something) while physically they are?