Hi again!
After a long time, I've finished my P-40. In the meantime, I've done also the Darth Vader TIE fighter.
Darth Vader TIE figther - Revell 1/121.
A rather simple model, but it allowed me to make my first oil washings. I've never had used oils in miniature models, but now I became a real fan. Oils are very useful to make subtle color variations, and to mark panels.
And this is my P-40M, an 1/72 model by Academy. It is a very fine model and easy to mount. I tried to make a 'muddy rain' effect. I live in the South of Spain, and muddy rain is common during the summer. The atmosphere is full of dust, and then, one day it rains for a few minutes. As a result, all cars are covered by a dirty layer of dust. I think it could be also common in North Africa or South Italy, where my P-40 could operate, so I thought it could be cool to simulate this effect. I used very diluted oils and a sponge, and I'm quite proud of the results.