You can use to methods to monitor fps in game:
1.- If you have activated Visual Mod via JSGME, you can display the main menu. You will need to assign a key under Controls to open the menu (it is under the name 'Game Menu' in the Misc section, between 'Toggle Mirrors/Show Mode' and 'LeavePlane'. If you didn't activated Visual Mod, this entry won't be visible). In game, you just enter the assigned key and a menu will pop up. Choose Options > FPS.
2.- If you don't have Visual Mod activated, you can open the console (SHIFT + TAB), type 'fps START SHOW' (without quotation marks) and leave the console (SHIFT + TAB again). FPS will be displayed in the same format as in the previous option. To hide fps info, just go back to the console and type 'fps STOP SHOW'.