Hello guys, unfortunately Andrew's classes do not seem to work for me, are they stand alone Andrew for anything you add or do they need your object adding to
those java classes?
I tried the normal static approach and just renamed the body mesh to dead:
Downside is that to make it look good would need a copy of the Junk flipped to make the internals.
Here I combined two parts but removed the life boat to keep it within a 3000 Polygon limit.
The first mesh shown is 1258 Polygon so if I had to stay within a limit of 3000 then I could do a copy and flip the normals
to make a internal wall and just have that as a object on its own.
The sails with the life boat removed come in at 1496 polygon but the see through effect on those of the Alpha would not
be as noticeable so maybe leave that as it is and make a separate object of it and combine the two in a scene.
There could be variations using the hull semi submerged and the same for the sails used on their own.
Thoughts guys please, what to do?
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.