No Jack lately but I am working on a bottle of Jim Beam. LOL
A good friend of mine spent time in the USA years ago and he has had a fondness for Jack and Jim ever since, I caught the Jack bug also to go with my
liking for Malt Whiskey.
Forgive me Pete. It's been a while since adding a ship but this seems different as far as the ini listings. I followed the read me and it shows in ships but when I try to set a waypoint for it, nothing. It does work as a stationary ship.
BAT is the version I use.
As noted in my posts Mark I had some issues myself, however, in BAT all was good, so not sure what your issue is.
The Junk is added like the other small water vessels such as landing craft, there is no need to add anything to the Ships.ini, that is for the larger stuff, the
java for this is a changed Big Ships class altered for the smaller stuff.
The actual vessel is quite large but Gio put it together as he did so it went in with the small stuff.
The technics.ini entry goes into that file along with cars, tanks and landing craft etcetera, at the bottom I think, so is in some respects like any of those
but with its ship entry and that is what gives it movement I think.
The folder for the mod
'Chinese Junk by gio963tto 4.12 class' I just added to #WAW3, although it could go in all really, not sure what
else I can add.
I could zip up the STD from #WAW3 and send it to you for reference if you like, you could do a search for Chinese Junk and confirm or otherwise
how you have it compared to me.
There is a mission in the download 'Seaplane' all that does is add the junks and a few things to shoot at, just overwrite and try it out:
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.