This is the Ki-94 Otsu. This is just a loadout change and new mother class of the original work of 101tfs, 200th Sentai, SAS~CirX and SAS~Storebror.,52062.0.html This version by SAS~Bombsaway and CWatson.
The idea behind this is that the U.S. never used the atomic bombs and the war drug on but still not for the best of the Japanese. With fewer pilots and resources, they pressed the Ki-94 to its fullest potential. Not only using it for a defence against the B-29 bombers but also as a multi purpose weapons platform. Even using it for ground attacks and against ships. Their air to air rockets were also used as air to ground rockets.
Credits from the original release....
3D and everything else not mentioned below: 101tfs
Cockpit by 200th Sentai, Reskin by SAS~CirX
Slot, Weapons, Flight Model: SAS~Storebror
Original read me....
This plane features all the available japanese technologies for high
altitude engine performance.
The plane reaches 700km/h+ at 10km altitude but somewhat sucks on deck.
Switch charger to 2nd gear at 3km altitude and to 3rd gear at 8km altitude.
The engine has Water/Methanol injection on WEP key for low altitudes and
N2O/GM1 injection for high altitudes.
Make sure not to use Water/Methanol above 9km altitude and vice versa,
no N2O/GM1 below 9km.
When you reach 9km altitude, make sure that WEP is switched off briefly
to allow the charger system to change WEP fuel.
The engine features a very sophisticated cooling system, unless your engine
gets damaged you will rarely have to worry about overheating.
Best climb speed is ~280km/h.
Flying with bombs dramatically impacts speed as the bombs and racks kill
the airflow over the laminar foil.
As long as bombs are attached, landing flap position is not available.
If you pull too hard, the plane will stall and eventually enter a flat spin,
that's due to the tail heavy design with the supercharger and cockpit being
positioned quite far aft of the plane.
Throttle Idle!
Stick forward!
Full left rudder!
Drop bombs if attached!
Flaps full!
Wait until you reach dense air altitudes, the plane will recover eventually.
ATTENTION: Immediately when the flat spin ends:
Full Throttle + WEP!
Stick back!
Credits for new version CWatson, SAS~Bombsaway for classfiles and loadouts. Gumpy for Altered default skin.