In looking at A-7 photos, almost all fuelktanks A-7 carried 300 gal. had "T" style 3x tailfins. That model has not been made for Il-2 1946.
And Air Force's A-7D and A-7K's ones are painted in Green and Gray "South East Asia" camo.
Now I add those tank and paint in my Weapon pack Generation 2016-iii.
New tank classname is FuelTankGun_TankSkyhawkT3_gn16.class , and to make it (and other 300 gal. skyhawk variants) painted in SEA camo, call "matSEAcamo()" method as same as "matHighvis()" method.
French AAMs R.530 and R.550 are provided in Gen2016 standard, too.
The design sketch of R.530 we can see on wikipedia or other places might be only a 1st plan and a bit far from mass-product models.
I scratch a new R.530 model and textures based on mass-production model photos.
Also made 2x different classes Semi-Active Radar Homing or IR Homing.
RocketGunR530sar_gn16.class or RocketGunR530ir_gn16.class .
Mirage family carried both SARH and IRH (1+1 or 2+2 mixed loadouts are popular), but Navy F-8 used only SARH variant, I heard.
R.550 is only hook position adjustment about 3D, but providing 2x different "Magic" and "Magic2" variants.
Classnames are RocketGunR550magic1_gn16.class or RocketGunR550magic2_gn16.class .
"Magic (1)" is limited homing aspect, only chasing tails.
"Magic2" is all homing aspect like AIM-9L.
"Magic2" mass production began in 1985, so F-8E(FN) might carry both variants before or after 1985.