Thanks for your help, I downloaded the file and installed them into my 3do folder under #SAS/MAPMODS/, but I still can't save on the map, so I used the missing objects tool and apparently I'm missing this:buildings.House$FlagAUS
It's in my static.ini, so it must be missing somewhere I'm guessing.
VP Modpack does not seem to have FlagAUS as standard, and I'm not sure where you could get a copy of the flag object, but you can make a fake FlagAUS as follows;
If you look in your static.ini you will find [buildings.House$FlagAusRoo] so this can be used to make a fake [buildings.House$FlagAUS] as follows
Title FlagAUS
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/PTOFlags/Flag_AusRoo/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/PTOFlags/Flag_AusRoo/dead.sim
AlignToLand 0
Body WoodSmall
Panzer 0.05
Insert this entry below the FlagAusRoo entry.
The game will select the the FlagAusRoo files in place of the FlagAUS files
This is a method developed by WxTech and you can read more about it here,60937.msg682741.html#msg682741