Hi Ship_Rek. This is a great map, and runs fine in BAT, but you need to know the structure to get it to run.
1. Currently only four maps available.
2. Ignore the #SAS folder.
3. BAT is modular, there are four historical eras, each with their own folder: DOF3, TGA3, WAW3, JTW3. To install Aug_42 map in WAW3, see below. If you want the map(s) in all the eras, you need to repeat the process below for each era folder in turn, and for each of the four maps. I ALWAYS use the jgsme BATMODS folder to add items such as this so that I can roll back if needed, but that is up to you.
4. When you unzip the map download you should have a parent folder called 'sq_Coral-Sea_Solomon-Sea_Aug-42' containing a folder named 'MODS' and three text files. You do not need the HSFX static entries.
5. Rename the MODS folder to #WAW3. You can go into the folder and delete the 'extra 3do for HSFX' folder - not required.
6. Copy the main folder you have unzipped i.e. 'sq_Coral-Sea_Solomon-Sea_Aug-42' into the BATMODS folder in your game.
7. Find the WAW static.ini. Path is: #WAW3/STD/com/maddox/il2/objects/.
8. Make the required changes to static.ini as detailed in the downloaded text files (back up static.ini first).
9. Add the appropriate entries to the all.ini file (inside the #WAW3/MAPMODS/MAPS folder). In this case: sq_Coral-Sea_Solomon-Sea_Aug-42 sq_Coral-Sea_Solomon-Sea_Aug-42/load.ini
9. Enable 'sq_Coral-Sea_Solomon-Sea_Aug-42' in the BATMODS folder. Hopefully the map should now work.