Tropical Hurricanes for use on Map independent Theatres
Mod created for my own Request and Purpose of having Arctic, Russian Front, Greece, Balkans, ETO,
CBI and Java related Hurricanes with proper Vokes Mesh fitted...
My old Request Lovers Welcome
The Mod Project took a long journey, first as a request only, later I took over
and recruited Modders. These left the project and I was long unable to finish.
Long time ago the old UI Vokes Hurries got unified into
a Pack for certain reason. Finally the lack of Vokes Hurries
on CBI/PTO or everything else than Desert related is imminent.
One can say not another row of useless crap, ney,
Try to set up Force Benedict on Winter Murmansk Map,
you get the later stages Hurries without the Vokes, the Russkies complained about.
A word on 3-D Mods:
Older Mods of me came already packed with fine new 3-D,
I do so if some parts are for historical accurancy needed.
but for the reason of some complaints
in the past, and here on topic of multiple Cockpit Mods out there, I strictly don't
deliver such über modded stuff where to decide which to put on top.
conflicts with Gunsights WxTech for Hurricane if using Another new 3-D Cockpit.
It is a hier.him issue, to cure please fix yourself inside your wanted Cockpit Mod.
I used better Props only, if you want you can fix with Better Wheels.
We are testing a domestic ModFilter Cockpit here, in case you want to fiddle with Gunsights.
I'm in the process of porting all 4 VVS Slots to them.
Under Yakovlev Design Bureau extensive Weapons Trials conducted.
Some had been appointed earlier by the Pilots, like 78.IAP and Safonov,
who kickstarted the use of domestic russian cannons instead the pour
Brownings for ShKAS. These Trials should also show effectiveness
Link Upload, Thanks to 9078roman
Download Beta v.1.2 old
+ Hurricane MkII Trop Folder and reinstall fresh, major changes,
changes at inis and properties, so read the Read Me for these Entries and apply neatly.
Air.iniHurricaneMkIaTropWatts air.HurricaneMkIaTrop 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
HurricaneMkIbTropDH air.HurricaneMkIbTrop 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
HurricaneMkIbTropRot air.HurricaneMkIcTrop 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
HurricaneMkIIaTrop air.HurricaneMkIIaTrop 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
HurricaneMkIIbTrop air.HurrieMkIIbTrop 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
HurricaneMkIIcTrop air.HurrieMkIIcTrop 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
HurricaneMkIIdTrop air.HurrieMkIIdTrop 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
HurricaneMkIVTrop air.HurricaneMkIVTrop 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
HurricaneMkIIbModVVS air.HurricaneMkIIbModVVS 1 gb01 SUMMER
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter air.HurricaneMkIIbModFilter 1 gb01 SUMMER
HurricaneMkIIbModNF air.HurricaneMkIIbModNF 1 gb01 SUMMER
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes air.HurricaneMkIIbModVokes 1 gb01 SUMMER
Plane.PropertiesHurricaneMkIaTropWatts Hurricane Mk.I Vokes/Watts, 1939*
HurricaneMkIbTropDH Hurricane Mk.I Vokes/DH, 1940*
HurricaneMkIbTropRot Hurricane Mk.I Vokes/Rotol, 1940*
HurricaneMkIIaTrop Hurricane Mk.II/a Vokes, 1940*
HurricaneMkIIbTrop Hurricane Mk.II/b Vokes, 1940*
HurricaneMkIIcTrop Hurricane Mk.II/c Vokes, 1941*
HurricaneMkIIdTrop Hurricane Mk.II/d Vokes, 1942*
HurricaneMkIVTrop Hurricane Mk.IV Vokes, 1943*
HurricaneMkIIbModVVS Hawker Hurricane II/b field mod VVS, 1941*
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes Hawker Hurricane II/b field mod Vokes, 1941*
HurricaneMkIIbModNF Hawker Hurricane II/b field mod no Filter, 1941*
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter Hawker Hurricane II/b field mod Filter, 1941*
# HurricaneMkIaTropWatts
HurricaneMkIaTropWatts.default Default (8x .303)
HurricaneMkIaTropWatts.none Empty
# HurricaneMkIbTropDH
HurricaneMkIbTropDH.default Default (8x .303)
HurricaneMkIbTropDH.8xMG-2xDrop44 2x 44 gal Droptank
HurricaneMkIbTropDH.2x250lb 2x 250 lbs
HurricaneMkIbTropDH.2x500lb 2x 500lbs Bombs
HurricaneMkIbTropDH.none Empty
# HurricaneMkIbTropRot
HurricaneMkIbTropRot.default Default (8x .303)
HurricaneMkIbTropRot.none Empty
# HurricaneMkIIaTrop
HurricaneMkIIaTrop.default Default (8x .303)
HurricaneMkIIaTrop.none Empty
# HurricaneMkIIbTrop
HurrieMkIIbTrop.default Default (12x .303)
HurrieMkIIbTrop.8xMG 8x .303: Outer MG Removed
HurrieMkIIbTrop.2x250lbs 2x 250 lbs
HurrieMkIIbTrop.2xFAB-100 2x FAB-100
HurrieMkIIbTrop.2x80galDpt 2x 80 gal Ferrytank
HurrieMkIIbTrop.2x44galDpt 2x 44 gal Droptank
HurrieMkIIbTrop.none Empty
# HurricaneMkIIcTrop
HurrieMkIIcTrop.default Default (4x Hispano Mk.I)
HurrieMkIIcTrop.2x250 2x 250lbs Bombs
HurrieMkIIcTrop.2x500 2x 500lbs Bombs
HurrieMkIIcTrop.8xRP3 8x RP-3 60lbs Rockets
HurrieMkIIcTrop.4xRP3_1xDrop 4x RP-3s + 1x 44gal Tank
HurrieMkIIcTrop.2xDrop90 2x 90gal Ferry Tanks
HurrieMkIIcTrop.2xDrop44 2x 44gal Combat Tanks
HurrieMkIIcTrop.8xRS82RussianFieldMod 8xRS82 Russian Field Mod
HurrieMkIIcTrop.8xM13RussianFieldMod 8xM13 Russian Field Mod
HurrieMkIIcTrop.2x250_NoCannon 2x 250lbs (No Cannons)
HurrieMkIIcTrop.2x500_NoCannon 2x 500lbs (No Cannons)
HurrieMkIIcTrop.2xCannon 2x Hispano
HurrieMkIIcTrop.2x250_2xCannon 2x 250lbs (2x Hispano)
HurrieMkIIcTrop.2x500_2xCannon 2x 500lbs (2x Hispano)
HurrieMkIIcTrop.4x_20mm_ShVAK 4x 20mm ShVAK
HurrieMkIIcTrop.none Empty
# HurricaneMkIIdTrop
HurrieMkIIdTrop.default Default (2x Vickers 40mm AP)
HurrieMkIIdTrop.VickersS40mmHE 2x Vickers 40mm HE
HurrieMkIIdTrop.none Empty
# HurricaneMkIVTrop
HurricaneMkIVTrop.default Default (2x .303)
HurricaneMkIVTrop.VickerS40mmAP 2x Vickers S 40mm AP
HurricaneMkIVTrop.VickerS40mmHE 2x Vickers S 40mm HE
HurricaneMkIVTrop.2x250 2x 250lbs Bombs
HurricaneMkIVTrop.2x500 2x 500lbs Bombs
HurricaneMkIVTrop.8xRP3 8x RP-3 60lbs Rockets
HurricaneMkIVTrop.4xRP3_1xDrop 4x RP-3s + 1x 44gal Tank
HurricaneMkIVTrop.2xDrop90 2x 90gal Ferry Tanks
HurricaneMkIVTrop.2xDrop44 2x 44gal Combat Tanks
HurricaneMkIVTrop.none Empty
# HurricaneMkIIbModVVS
HurricaneMkIIbModVVS.default Default (2x UBK + 2x ShVAK + 4x .303)
HurricaneMkIIbModVVS.4xrs82 Default + 4x RS82 Rockets
HurricaneMkIIbModVVS.6xrs82 Default + 6x RS82 Rockets
HurricaneMkIIbModVVS.none Empty
# HurricaneMkIIbModVokes
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.default Default (2x UBS 12.7mm + 2x 20mm ShVAK)
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.4xrs82 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 4x RS-82
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.4xrs132 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 4x RS-132
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.6xrs82 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 6x RS-82
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.6xrs132 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 6x RS-132
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.2fab100 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 2x FAB-100
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.2fab100_6xrs82 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 6x RS-82 + 2x FAB-100
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.2fab100_6xrs132 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 6x RS-132 + 2x FAB-100
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.2xDrop44 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 2x 44gal Combat Tanks
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.2xDrop80 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 2x 80gal VVS Tanks
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.2xShvak_Safonov 2x 20mm ShVAK + extra Ammo (Safonov 78.IAP Mod)
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.4xrs82_Safonov 2x ShVAK + 4x RS-82
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.6xrs82_Safonov 2x ShVAK + 6x RS-82
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.2fab100_6xrs82_Safonov 2x ShVAK + 6x RS-82 + 2x FAB-100
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.2fab100_Safonov 2x ShVAK + 2x FAB-100
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.2xDrop44_Safonov 2x ShVAK + 2x 44gal Combat Tanks
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.2xDrop80_Safonov 2x ShVAK + 2x 80gal VVS Tanks
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.4xubtest 4x UBS 12.7mm
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.2fab100_4xubtest 4x UBS + 4x RS-82
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.4xubtest4xrs82 4x UBS + 6x RS-82
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.4xubtest6xrs82 4x UBS + 2x FAB-100
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.2xDrop44_4xubtest 4x UBS + 2x 44gal Combat Tanks
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.2xDrop80_4xubtest 4x UBS + 2x 80gal VVS Tanks
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.4xshvak 4x 20mm ShVAK
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.4x204r 4x ShVAK + 4x RS-82
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.4x206r 4x ShVAK + 6x RS-82
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.2fab100_4x20 4x ShVAK + 2x FAB-100
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.2xDrop44_4x20 4x ShVAK + 2x 44gal Combat Tanks
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.2xDrop80_4x20 4x ShVAK + 2x 80gal VVS Tanks
HurricaneMkIIbModVokes.none Empty
# HurricaneMkIIbModNF
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.default Default (2x UBS 12.7mm + 2x 20mm ShVAK)
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.4xrs82 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 4x RS-82
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.4xrs132 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 4x RS-132
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.6xrs82 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 6x RS-82
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.6xrs132 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 6x RS-132
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.2fab100 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 2x FAB-100
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.2fab100_6xrs82 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 6x RS-82 + 2x FAB-100
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.2fab100_6xrs132 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 6x RS-132 + 2x FAB-100
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.2xDrop44 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 2x 44gal Combat Tanks
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.2xDrop80 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 2x 80gal VVS Tanks
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.2xShvak_Safonov 2x 20mm ShVAK + extra Ammo (Safonov 78.IAP Mod)
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.4xrs82_Safonov 2x ShVAK + 4x RS-82
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.6xrs82_Safonov 2x ShVAK + 6x RS-82
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.2fab100_6xrs82_Safonov 2x ShVAK + 6x RS-82 + 2x FAB-100
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.2fab100_Safonov 2x ShVAK + 2x FAB-100
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.2xDrop44_Safonov 2x ShVAK + 2x 44gal Combat Tanks
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.2xDrop80_Safonov 2x ShVAK + 2x 80gal VVS Tanks
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.4xubtest 4x UBS 12.7mm
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.2fab100_4xubtest 4x UBS + 4x RS-82
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.4xubtest4xrs82 4x UBS + 6x RS-82
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.4xubtest6xrs82 4x UBS + 2x FAB-100
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.2xDrop44_4xubtest 4x UBS + 2x 44gal Combat Tanks
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.2xDrop80_4xubtest 4x UBS + 2x 80gal VVS Tanks
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.4xshvak 4x 20mm ShVAK
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.4x204r 4x ShVAK + 4x RS-82
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.4x206r 4x ShVAK + 6x RS-82
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.2fab100_4x20 4x ShVAK + 2x FAB-100
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.2xDrop44_4x20 4x ShVAK + 2x 44gal Combat Tanks
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.2xDrop80_4x20 4x ShVAK + 2x 80gal VVS Tanks
HurricaneMkIIbModNF.none Empty
# HurricaneMkIIbModFilter
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.default Default (2x UBS 12.7mm + 2x 20mm ShVAK)
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.4xrs82 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 4x RS-82
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.4xrs132 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 4x RS-132
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.6xrs82 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 6x RS-82
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.6xrs132 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 6x RS-132
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.2fab100 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 2x FAB-100
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.2fab100_6xrs82 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 6x RS-82 + 2x FAB-100
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.2fab100_6xrs132 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 6x RS-132 + 2x FAB-100
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.2xDrop44 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 2x 44gal Combat Tanks
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.2xDrop80 2x UB + 2x ShVAK + 2x 80gal VVS Tanks
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.2xShvak_Safonov 2x 20mm ShVAK + extra Ammo (Safonov 78.IAP Mod)
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.4xrs82_Safonov 2x ShVAK + 4x RS-82
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.6xrs82_Safonov 2x ShVAK + 6x RS-82
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.2fab100_6xrs82_Safonov 2x ShVAK + 6x RS-82 + 2x FAB-100
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.2fab100_Safonov 2x ShVAK + 2x FAB-100
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.2xDrop44_Safonov 2x ShVAK + 2x 44gal Combat Tanks
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.2xDrop80_Safonov 2x ShVAK + 2x 80gal VVS Tanks
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.4xubtest 4x UBS 12.7mm
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.2fab100_4xubtest 4x UBS + 4x RS-82
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.4xubtest4xrs82 4x UBS + 6x RS-82
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.4xubtest6xrs82 4x UBS + 2x FAB-100
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.2xDrop44_4xubtest 4x UBS + 2x 44gal Combat Tanks
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.2xDrop80_4xubtest 4x UBS + 2x 80gal VVS Tanks
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.4xshvak 4x 20mm ShVAK
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.4x204r 4x ShVAK + 4x RS-82
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.4x206r 4x ShVAK + 6x RS-82
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.2fab100_4x20 4x ShVAK + 2x FAB-100
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.2xDrop44_4x20 4x ShVAK + 2x 44gal Combat Tanks
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.2xDrop80_4x20 4x ShVAK + 2x 80gal VVS Tanks
HurricaneMkIIbModFilter.none Empty
This one is based on Greybeards old
alternative 20mm Hispano Layout Request, Thanks to him and Barnesy for these cool
WIP Vokes Hurricanes on all Maps Re-Revisited
- 1C/Maddox TD: Hurricane Mk.II's
- AAA UI 1.1/UP 1.8
- New trop filter 3D by Barnesy
- PA_Jeronimo: new Gears
- AMT-New Hurricane spinners:
LODS, Shadows and Hier fixes by Birdman
New spinners 3d by Red_Fox90
- SAS Hurricane Pack v2.1:
Classfiles, new drop tanks, 3D edits and default skins by Anto
Skinning Templates and Default Skins by FriendlyFlyer
FMs by Howlin, Karaya, Sani and Anto
Original MkIID mod by Mr Jolly and AAA team (updated parts included)
Mosca and Cirx for original Mk I early mod
Birdman for LOD fixes
In addition, thankyou to Beowolf, Danzigzag, CharlieChap and Karaya.
Your previous works were all used in this pack in some way or the other!
- Wing msh Fix: SAS~Skylla
- Pilot Fix: PhantomII
- Fuel Tank 44gal Fix: Greybeard
- Default Skins:
- Phantom (Pilot Fix)
- Greybeards alternative 20mm Barrels - 3D by Barnesy
NEW!!! Self Stationary PlanesPlaceholder Picture
coming soon again...