Still looking at the dynamic of DCG and not at the campaign itself....
Discovered how the game give me multiple choice of planes but unable to tell why....
When replacing the DGen files with your form campaign folder (campaign , planes and squadrons wit DeS id code) I thought that those 'll be the files used by DCG....BUT....after 'generate campaign' a new set of files (campaign , planes , squadron) is automatically generated with the code DE&....both campaign are selectable (not at the same time obvously) and both recognized from the DCG UI....
Now I have reinstalled your campign and not used your DGen test....first mission correctly generated with a transfer flight....closed IL2 , opened DCG , edited parameters and generated a new mission , it has correct setting according new parameters: without transfer , base airfield Ecsalona , radio only for my unit , skins , loadouts....and so on....
I'll fly some missions in this condition to see if they are good while playing and if there are other issues or oddities like my loosing the war on third day of it....