Indeed, repaints go only so far if the underlying construct is crudely simple and/or missing obvious parts. The me, the starting point in improving the internal model concerns the canopy. Too many stock models have the canopy framing too wide and/or thick, to say nothing of the general coarseness. If nothing else was worked on, that would be a significant boost to realism. After all, the canopy is what one spends the most time looking at and through, and it impacts visibility.
If only I could work up the enthusiasm the embrace more efficient 3-D modeling software, to replace my current laborious and slow 'suite' comprising a spreadsheet for entering and visualizing the data, a calculator to *manually* calculate surface normals, and Notepad for assembling the mesh, I might be able to tackle more cockpits.
As a *sim pilot*, for me the cockpit is the most important element to get reasonably right. It supercedes uber-detailed external models which for the most part one really can only appreciate from an outside, close-up viewpoint (or at the instant before colliding with one of those intricately detailed models
There should be formed a 'task force' whose mission is to update stock 'pits first, then perhaps make up proper replacements for stand-in 'pits. As I've stated before, the core game's WWII content deserves highest priority if the greatest number of players are most interested in this period, which I suspect would be a safe bet.