The Aviator Mod Team presents the A-20G-1 Havoc!
The A-20G, delivered from February 1943, was the most produced of all the series - 2850 were built. The glazed nose from the C was replaced by a solid nose containing four 20 mm (.79 in) Hispano cannons and two .50 in M2 Browning machine guns, making the aircraft slightly longer than previous versions. After the first batch of 250, the unreliable cannon were replaced by more machine guns.The cannon-armed versions weremostly operated under the Soviet banner via Lend-Lease and understandably proved quite devastating in the ground attack role. Additional armament for either form of this aircraft included 2 x 12.7mm machine guns in a flexible dorsal position and a single 7.62mm machine gun in the ventral position (flexible mount).
Features:New 3D cannons and Fuselage
Opening canopy (Internal and External) - Problem solved now, please download patch V1.2
Download HereReadme is included in the download. You can find all the file entries there. You will not need a new buttons file.
We are working on getting a new FM into the SAS buttons file which should happen this weekend for those who do not want to use DiffFM.Patches:Patch V1.3: You must install patch 1.2 before installing 1.3! Copy the file found in the rar file into the "A-20G-1" Mod folder. 1.3 disables the noseart option as we cannot find a way to make it work anyway. Bombs now drop 1 by 1 except for the 100lb bombs which will still drop in pairs. So bombs which are 300lbs or larger will drop 1 by 1. Bombs on the left side will always drop before the right both within the bomb bay and also on wing pylons. To see which bomb will drop first, open the bomb bay and the bomb closest to the front of the plane will drop first and the ones closest to the rear will drop last. The 1000lb bomb is an exception to this and will always drop last.
Patch V1.2: You do not need to install patch 1.1 to install 1.2. Copy the two files found in the rar file into the "A-20G-1" Mod folder. new patch V1.2 download link in reply #62 here:,5879.msg505350.html#msg505350Patch 1.2 re-enables canopy using DiffFM. There are no problems online. If you do not have DiffFM, then you will need to download it. See this thread:,3988.0.html To check if you have DiffFM search your MODS folder for this file "294ABC86A89FAEB4". If you don't have that file then please go and download it via the thread above.
Credits:Aviator Mod Team:
VH-Rock - 3D Work, Skins
F22-Raptor-2006 - Class Files