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Author Topic: JMarso Battle of France: pack of 20 single missions; Western Front, May 1940  (Read 3188 times)

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JMarso Battle of France

Mediafire download link for mission pack: https://www.mediafire.com/file/tbh3tfblpth478s/JMarso_Battle_of_France_for_IL-2_BAT3.3.7z/file

Battle of France Mission Pack README
-by JMarso

This is a pack of 20 single missions depicting the exploits of a ‘fictionalized’ 43 Squadron flying Hurricanes in the Battle of France. Fans of the novel or TV miniseries ‘Piece of Cake’ will recognize a few Easter Eggs in the first few missions in terms of names used, and the tone and flavor of the missions. The first few missions take place at the end of the Phony War, and there is little to no excitement except that which you create for yourself. Then, on May 10th, the real battle begins and gets progressively more difficult very quickly as the full weight of the Luftwaffe is brought to bear.


Requirements: B.A.T. mod for Il-2 1946 updated to v3.3 Pathfinder.

The zip file includes an ‘IL-2 Sturmovik 1946’ folder that is structured along the game’s proper file path so that you can simply merge it with your current ‘IL-2 Sturmovik 1946’ game folder, and the mission files will be put in the proper place. This will not alter any of the other files in your install- it will simply add the missions.

To play them, select ‘single missions’ from the menu, then select ‘RAF’ as your air force, and under mission type select ’01 JMarso Battle of France.’ The mission list will come up. Have at it!


Follow this filepath: Il-2 Sturmovik 1946/Missions/Single/GB/01 JMarso Battle of France.
Delete the ’01 JMarso Battle of France’ folder.


This mod is distributed as freeware. Nobody is permitted to use this content for the purposes of obtaining money or any other form of compensation. Anyone wishing to modify these files or use them as part of another freeware mod release is free to do so- credit where due is always appreciated!


As with all mods, download and install at your own risk.

A Note on History

While I’m as much a WWII history nut as the next guy, I don’t make game content that is designed to be 100% historically accurate down to the last detail- the efforts of others in that regard is truly phenomenal, and kudos to those who put in the time. To my knowledge, 43 Squadron never served in France so its use here is totally fictional. The goal was to generate a variety of fun-to-play missions against the backdrop of May, 1940 on the Western Front.

A Note on Mission Briefings

These follow the same format from mission to mission. Among other things, my goal was to clearly explain where you, the player, falls within the pecking order. Some of the best custom missions others have made for this game leave me lost at the beginning, because I’m not sure what my position in the flight is, who the leader is, or which units are participating. When I take off, I’m not sure who to form up on. These briefs will delineate your assignment, and the navigation summary lists the mission waypoints with information to help those who like to play on the hardest levels, flying formation and navigating without game ‘cheats.’

A Note on Weather

Winds are set to zero for all missions- I find that it makes aircraft movement on the ground very problematic.


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Is Squadron Leader Rex going to make us always fly in nice, tight formation?

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Until he bites it, you betcha!  :P


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Man, I have not played in a long time but you are making me want to download BAT and set up TrackIR to fly your campaign.

I’m quite intrigued, and you won’t believe it but I just took my “Piece of Cake” DVDs off the shelf and watched them the last couple of nights. I also read the book for the first time ever recently, and now here is your new campaign!

Also— thank you for taking the time to do this. The more content for BAT, the better.

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Great work!

I really like the mission where you make a bet with the squadron bully :P :D
Nil Time


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This is really, really nice work JMarso - Thank You!

Your attention to the briefings is really appreciated, especially for an Il-2 newbie such as myself.

The attached image hangs in my workshop to this day.  It's actor Robert Shaw in the original Battle of Britain (1969) film with one of the world's (at that time) 3 flyable hurricanes.  Photographer unknown, it was likely cut from an old Air Classics magazine, and framed by my Dad (himself an RCAF veteran) - which is why I kept it.

I always liked the look of the hurricane...and turtleneck sweaters.  Never did I ever imagine that I might get even a vicarious "sense" of how that would feel...and I still don't...but several hundred books and BAT are getting me closer to some reasonable historical appreciation!



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Many thanks for this very nice campaign; it shows how far Il-2 has grown: opening canopy's, taxieing to take off, 'near perfect' map of France. I'm very happy with it


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  • Quid Si Coelum Ruat

Many thanks for that campaign!!!


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  • Saludos Camaradas

thank you very much, the campaign is sensational  :)
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