Got some more stuff:
1) Rockets:
The Avenger was the first US aircraft to be fitted with rockets used for ground attack. These were 5-inch HVAR variety with four mounted on each wing.
TBM-3's and TBF-1C's had eight rocket hardpoints. TBF-1C's had generally Mk4 rails. All TBM-3's had Mk5 atatchments. The Mk4 rails reduced the Avenger's top speed by 20 mph, bwhile the speed penalty with 8 5" HVAR's on Mk5 rails was only about 12 mph.
On long range missions you could find sometimes a 6 rockets loadout configuration (3 under each wing)

2) FIDO homing Torpedo
Torpedo Mk 24 ( "Fido" ), in the bomb bay of a TBM Avenger on board USS MANILA BAY (CVE-61), 24 February 1944. A pair of depth bombs are installed behind the Fido.
View from the rear:

View from the front:

3) FAA Avengers and Tarpons:
All rockets attachments were discarded on the British Avenger - Only late in 1945 did the British look to re-introduce a rockets carrying possibility to their Avengers, but war was already over.
Avengers were used in MineLaying Role (British air dropped mines) and Bomber - as a standard 4x500lb British MC bombs or US 500lb AN-M
Other loadout tested (may have seen limited operational use):
Mk. III containers
19" diameter store with parachute (the Australian Storepedo, to be uploaded soon with the part 2 of the Air dropped containers pack)
19" diameter store, fitted with parachute, and 2 depth charges
3 FAA Avengers (FN766, FN795 & JZ317) were tested with "Highball" at Brooklands/Wisley in Octorber 1943, together with Mosquitoes Mosquitos DZ582 & DZ586
a) torpedoes
The British Pacific Fleet (BPF) carried a store of US Mk13 torpedoes for their Avengers but apparently never used them - The British Pacific Force (BPF) was not allowed, under it's operational agreement with the USN, to attack major naval targets in Japanese waters, so having a highly capable naval strike aircraft was not a priority for the BPF. The main reasons (arguably the only ones) not to use the Avenger in the torpedo/spotter/reconnaissance (TSR) role in 1943/44 were its inability to carry the reliable British torpedo (The Avenger's bomb-bay was too short for the British torpedo) coupled with a very low opinion of the US alternative, and its inability to dive-bomb at steep angles (i.e. accurately) because of the internal carriage and lack of airbrakes.

b) Mines:

c) Bombs

FAA Avengers, as the US Avengers could drop Depth Charges (apparently only US depth charges were used) and Frag clusters (Both for 30lb M5 Frags and for 20lb AN-M40 frag)
2) Depth Charges and Frag Clusters