to put your mind at ease,
I personally believe that you did a fine job at making the radiator look like the real thing.
What it needs now is a slight change in the SKIN details of it to wrap into the 3d-model better. The old skins may not fit
properly the new 3d-model design.
I am not an aviation expert, but I have been around these series of aircraft for along time since its creation a few years back. I have lots
of books on it and lots of photos for references. I needed them to study its design and construction so I could make the skin-templates for
the model. Let´s just say that I dreamed about the albatros aircraft in my sleep
Even thought our 3d-model is not 100% correct, it does come very close to looking like the real aircraft. (Which I love very much)
It is just some details which need some little changes. You have done good with this new radiator design.
Now, (the player) you can zoom in to look at the airplane better and it has that iconic box-like design on its side, instead of the old version.
I usually never trust too much on drawings I see (technical, blueprint or artistic art) simply because there is always something wrong with them.
If I get 5 diferent sets of blueprints off from books or the internet, they will all be a little diferent. This drives me crazy because it just sets
back my time schedule when I do a skin-template. I have to do extra research on things.
The only drawings I would accept as 100% correct would be original factory blueprints, and those are extremelly rare to discover.
The only things I will accept is photo evidence. Zooming into vintage photos and looking at how the things were made , or painted on the aircraft.
I will leave you with some photos so you can check out the details and agree that YOU did a nice job on this new design.
I will include some model images which are much clearer so you can see the details and also another flight-sim model so you can
notice their design for their 3d-model.
VonOben, you did great, I congratulate you!
You probably know this guy, he is the young "Red Baron" with his first Albatros... LOOK at the side-radiators in the images.
What you see in this last image I posted looking at the radiator from behind, is what is on the drawing you posted
in your last post (Drawing top view). This detail on the radiator inside, would probably need extra polygons to create in the 3d-model and
make it impossible to put on the flying model. I am not sure, but probably too many extra polys.
I like the simple design you made already.
So you did great, don´t feel sad.