I understand. I got more busy too. But, since I got your retextured map, I've been tinkering with the idea of carrier strikes on Kyushu. However, the Kyushu map has very few airfields and NONE on the eastern coast. It seems the original map maker neglected the whole eastern side of the island. There are also very few city names!
This map can definitely be improved. Last night I imported the airfields from the Setouchi map and re-touched textures for them. It only took about an hour. A couple of the fields have a huge square area of "ground parking plates" which could probably be replaced with blank plates. I'll see what I can do about that.
Also, I noticed the map seems to not have any roads. I'll try to fix that too...I need ground targets
As for the city textures... the Setouchi and Kanto maps (and even the Okinawa map) have darker city textures. I also really like vpmedia's Berlin city texture for a dark look but it's probably not dark enough.