This is Kushira airfield, north of Kanoya
There is a video on youtube showing U.S. pilots attacking a city named Tarumizu. There is no mention of an airfield there but I decided to add the city to the map. I also did an experiment to populate the city similar to the style used in the Hengyang map with clustered wooden houses. I edited the city textures and made them darker. They were just too "orangy" for Japan IMO. I'll include these textures as an option for the map. Tarumizu
The airfield known as Bansei is in the wrong location on the stock map. It is actually near the towns of Kaseda and Bansei, much farther south, as compared to the stock map location. Pacific Wrecks website's description:
"Used for only four months from March 28, 1945 until the end of the war. Called "the phantom kamikaze base". 201 kamikaze pilots, including 170juvenile pilots, made kamikaze missions."
Since it is known as "phantom," I decided to make it simple and "hidden" to make it un-noticeable by U.S. aircraft. I also experimented with the town's buildings.
btw, Chiran airfield is also in the wrong place on the stock map. I re-located it closer to its true location further south of Kagoshima. For the original stock airfields of Chiran and Bansei...I guess I'll leave them there