Thanks for the update, slibenli.
regarding the first "bug" you list in your readme: "terrain artifacts (e.g. appears lower than it acually is)":
After trying your Il2ge on different maps, I think this "bug" greatly improves some of them, i.e. those with terrain >1000m ASL.
At these higher altitudes, standard Il2 performs poorly, rendering mountain & hill-tops as far too angular. So, if you could somehow retain part of this "bug", as a terrain smoothing option, it could be a help rather than a hindrance. I note this bug can reduce the mountains' max. height, but that reduction is very slight indeed, and only noticeable via the floating trees. The bug's far greater effect is to smooth the shape of the mountains or hills, and that is an improvement our higher altitude maps could do with.
f_f (map modder)
Well, the problem with that is that the rendered terrain geometry needs to exacly match the one that the game-engine is using for its logic.
Otherwise collision detection will produce seemingly wrong results and ground objects float above or are below the terrain surface.
The collision detection routines could be overridden I guess. That's part of the java code though I belive (SAS~Storebror?).
But that still leaves the rendering of static ground objects unresolved as that at least partially happens in an obscure manner inside il2core.dll.
Especially roads are problematic in that regard.
I'm halfway done solving this bug btw