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Author Topic: graphics extender  (Read 321392 times)

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Re: graphics extender
« Reply #168 on: September 18, 2018, 03:28:01 AM »

Thanks for the update, slibenli.
regarding the first "bug" you list in your readme: "terrain artifacts (e.g. appears lower than it acually is)":
After trying your  Il2ge on different maps, I think this "bug" greatly improves some of them, i.e.  those with terrain >1000m ASL.
At these higher altitudes, standard Il2  performs poorly, rendering mountain & hill-tops as far too angular. So, if you could somehow retain part of this "bug", as a terrain smoothing option, it could be a help rather than a hindrance.  I note this bug can reduce the mountains' max. height, but that reduction is very slight indeed, and only noticeable via the floating trees. The bug's far greater effect is to smooth the shape of the mountains or hills, and that is an improvement our higher altitude maps could do with.
f_f  (map modder)

Well, the problem with that is that the rendered terrain geometry needs to exacly match the one that the game-engine is using for its logic.
Otherwise collision detection will produce seemingly wrong results and ground objects float above or are below the terrain surface.
The collision detection routines could be overridden I guess. That's part of the java code though I belive (SAS~Storebror?).
But that still leaves the rendering of static ground objects unresolved as that at least partially happens in an obscure manner inside il2core.dll.
Especially roads are problematic in that regard.

I'm halfway done solving this bug btw :)


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Re: graphics extender
« Reply #169 on: September 18, 2018, 03:34:27 AM »

...and this one is especially for the one-eyed ignorants from the shallow end of the genepool (the ones being addressed know who I mean :P):

That's because you used a fisheye lens!


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Re: graphics extender
« Reply #170 on: September 18, 2018, 03:38:29 AM »

It's totally fine.
The image was rather related to certain creatures inept of seeing the earth's curvature when using il2ge.
It's absolutely correct that it's there, both the fact that it is and the amount of.

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Re: graphics extender
« Reply #171 on: September 18, 2018, 04:22:02 AM »

I was sarcastically hinting at something different: Go to any YT-video that was taken at hight altitude (e.g. from a baloon) and wach a certain group spam it with comments similar to mine.
Well - maybe don't, if you don't want to lose your faith in humanity. ;)


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Re: graphics extender
« Reply #172 on: September 18, 2018, 04:36:35 AM »

Okay, got me there 8)
I've seen people downvoting perfect new mods on Youtube, my faith in humanity has been destroyed long time ago.

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Re: graphics extender
« Reply #173 on: September 18, 2018, 06:28:04 AM »

Do we have earthflatters among us? Mankind has no future.


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Re: graphics extender
« Reply #174 on: September 18, 2018, 07:08:55 AM »

Hi Slibenli
regarding your reply above: "...Otherwise collision detection will produce seemingly wrong results ...."
yes - understood. But I was thinking that maybe your smoothed topography could be retained in the distance only, e.g.  >5km from the observer. Beyond such a distance, we couldnt properly see the roads, trees etc, anyway. 

More importantly of course:  good to hear you are beating this bug!  Il2GE will be the best thing yet.


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Re: graphics extender
« Reply #175 on: September 18, 2018, 07:29:25 AM »

The collision detection routines could be overridden I guess. That's part of the java code though I belive (SAS~Storebror?).
Partly yes, partly no.
General speaking, the collision routines which are part of java have no clue about the way the actual rendering takes place.
In Java, it's just a map of vectors spanning planes, which either collide with other planes/vectors or not.
There's other collision routines inside il2core.dll which are supposed to take renders into account, such as light beam collision detection or more general, visibility checks.

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Re: graphics extender
« Reply #176 on: September 19, 2018, 01:37:40 AM »

I was sarcastically hinting at something different: Go to any YT-video that was taken at hight altitude (e.g. from a baloon) and wach a certain group spam it with comments similar to mine.
Well - maybe don't, if you don't want to lose your faith in humanity. ;)

Do we have earthflatters among us? Mankind has no future.

Just to be clear: I was referring to non IL-2 related real-world videos.

Hi Slibenli
regarding your reply above: "...Otherwise collision detection will produce seemingly wrong results ...."
yes - understood. But I was thinking that maybe your smoothed topography could be retained in the distance only, e.g.  >5km from the observer. Beyond such a distance, we couldnt properly see the roads, trees etc, anyway. 

More importantly of course:  good to hear you are beating this bug!  Il2GE will be the best thing yet.

I'll see what I can do.

The collision detection routines could be overridden I guess. That's part of the java code though I belive (SAS~Storebror?).
Partly yes, partly no.
General speaking, the collision routines which are part of java have no clue about the way the actual rendering takes place.
In Java, it's just a map of vectors spanning planes, which either collide with other planes/vectors or not.
There's other collision routines inside il2core.dll which are supposed to take renders into account, such as light beam collision detection or more general, visibility checks.


Are these vectors/planes obtained from il2core, respectively does the java code directly read from the height map?
Anyway this is still very far down the road.


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Re: graphics extender
« Reply #177 on: September 19, 2018, 02:11:45 AM »

Are these vectors/planes obtained from il2core, respectively does the java code directly read from the height map?
Yes they are.
All of this happens in the com.maddox.il2.engine.Landscape class.
There we are querying il2core.dll using the following functions to find out about all kind of map properties:
Code: [Select]
public static native int getPixelMapT(int i, int j);
public static native void setPixelMapT(int i, int j, int k);
public static native int getPixelMapH(int i, int j);
public static native void setPixelMapH(int i, int j, int k);
private static final native boolean isWater(float f1, float f2);
public static final native int estimateNoWater(int i, int j, int k);
public static final native int getSizeXpix();
public static final native int getSizeYpix();
private static final native float cH(float f1, float f2);
private static final native float cHmax(float f1, float f2);
private static final native float cHmin(float f1, float f2);
private static final native float cHQ_Air(float f1, float f2);
private static final native float cHQ_forestHeightHere(float f1, float f2);
public static final native int HQRoadTypeHere(float f1, float f2);
private static final native float cHQ(float f1, float f2);
private static final native void cEQN(float[] af);
public static native int getFogAverageRGBA();
public static native float getDynamicFogAlpha();
public static native int getDynamicFogRGB();
public static native int getFogRGBA(float f1, float f2, float f3);
public static native int ComputeVisibilityOfLandCells(float f1, int i, int j, int k, int l, int m, int n, int o, int p, int[] ai);
public static native int Compute2DBoundBoxOfVisibleLand(float f1, int i, int j, float[] af);
public static native void MarkStaticActorsCells(int i, int j, int k, int l, int m, int[] ai);
public static native void MarkActorCellWithTrees(int i, int j, int k, int[] ai, int l);
private static native boolean cIsCubeUpdated();
private static native void cSetRoadsFunDrawing(boolean flag);
private static native void cPreRender(float f1, boolean flag, float[] af);
private static native int cRender0(int i);
private static native void cRender1(int i);
private static native boolean cLoadMap(String paramString, int[] ai, int i, boolean flag);
private static native void cUnloadMap();
private static native void cRenderBridgeRoad(int i, int j, int k, int l, int m, int n, float f);
private static native int cRefBeg(int i);
private static native int cRefEnd();
private static native boolean cRayHitHQ(float[] af1, float[] af2, float[] af3);
private static native void setAstronomic(int i, int j, int k, float f1, float f2);

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Re: graphics extender
« Reply #178 on: September 19, 2018, 04:15:16 PM »

I've updated the readme: https://gitlab.com/vrresto/il2ge/blob/master/README.md
Latest build: https://gitlab.com/vrresto/il2ge/-/jobs/97619406/artifacts/download

I welcome you after installing the mod according to the instructions I have when downloading companies fly to the desktop ???


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Re: graphics extender
« Reply #179 on: September 20, 2018, 01:59:54 AM »

I've updated the readme: https://gitlab.com/vrresto/il2ge/blob/master/README.md
Latest build: https://gitlab.com/vrresto/il2ge/-/jobs/97619406/artifacts/download

I welcome you after installing the mod according to the instructions I have when downloading companies fly to the desktop ???

I'm not sure what you are intending to say here - in case you have a crash please post the contents of il2ge.log and il2ge_all.log.
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