Wow! Autogenerated terrain is simply amazing.
Slibenli, I don't need to go inside details (I won't probably understand anything about how you got this), but I'm deeply intrigued. Can you explain in simple words how the landscape is generated?
Congratulations!!! I'm following the development of this mod and it is a huge step forward.
See topic:,18906.msg203459.html#msg203459
I tested only on a clean mods installation 4 09
Thank you for the link. I didn't know about it and it sounds very interesting.
However, I feel that Sita referred to the spiky look of roads on maps. It seems that when coding roads on maps, there are only a few angles available. Thus, if there is a road between two cities A and B at, say 18º eastwards, the road goes in alternative angles of 0º and 45º until the desired angle is reached, like this:
A ----
------------------ B
Maybe someone could develop a mod that broadens the available angles for roads to get a straight way from A to B. Rounded turns could also be added to roads instead of the current spiky ones.
It is just a suggestion, just in case Slibenli's magic can work on it. I wish I had the knowledge to help on this (and I hope Storebror's wrath does not fall on me
