Just wanted to say...the latest version of IL2GE is mind-blowing! I'm actually getting mostly 60 FPS with all settings enabled, except during heavy air battles and around the cities which ran like crap beforehand. It's really starting to look like a completely different game entirely. The only thing missing is some sort of rough terrain for the borders of the smaller maps...even a temporary solution similar to what exists in the regular game would work for now. I hope at some point the proper dynamic terrain generation will be realized! Either way, that's a very, very minor issue - I'm willing to sacrifice a few kilometers of blank terrain for the outstanding visuals you can get with this mod:

One quick question: I'm wondering whether the cirrus clouds in the screenshot I posted are supposed to look that way, or if I've done something to make them look like that? They look like blurry smudges rather than actual clouds - nothing like what sibleni posted previously. (I
have fiddle around with the cloud textures a bit...I'm thinking I may have swapped the two textures which make out the cirrus clouds and caused this)
I also have a suggestion - could bumpmaps for aircraft be generated based on the "Void" skins in the PaintSchemes folder, or perhaps use skins with a similar name (ex. Void_bump.bmp) in order to avoid overriding the base Voids?