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Author Topic: graphics extender  (Read 321416 times)

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    • IL-2 Graphics Extender
Re: graphics extender
« Reply #1152 on: January 21, 2023, 11:55:42 AM »

Hello, I am getting a black sky in the mirrors of aircraft with il-2 GE... I have tried the config file maxed out and potato mode, and it still is black, see here:

terrain is visible, but not sky. Plane icons are visible when looking in the skies via the mirror. Cheers.

It's a known issue. I've now created a bug report: https://gitlab.com/vrresto/il2ge/-/issues/45

Guys I'm having some issues. I Have a GTX 1050 Graphics Card, I just set up BAT, latest version and works just fine. I wanted to set up this mod so i installed it in my root game folder and I set up the conf.ini file as instructed in the README page of the mod, I set all the graphics options to max but nothing works, I see no difference. Can anyone help?

Does the file il2ge.log exist in your game folder?
If yes please post it - otherwise you most likely have an outdated version of IL2 Selector.

Hi Jan just downloaded the latest .exe, have you resolved the Groundlines issue yet? I havent used GE for a while so just wondered?

Hi Mick, I'm still waiting for your input there on the bug tracker: https://gitlab.com/vrresto/il2ge/-/issues/17#note_914047036


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Re: graphics extender
« Reply #1153 on: January 21, 2023, 07:23:51 PM »

Hello, I am getting a black sky in the mirrors of aircraft with il-2 GE... I have tried the config file maxed out and potato mode, and it still is black, see here:

terrain is visible, but not sky. Plane icons are visible when looking in the skies via the mirror. Cheers.

I have a temporary solution here.
Change the following in il2ge.ini


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    • IL-2 Graphics Extender
Re: graphics extender
« Reply #1154 on: January 22, 2023, 01:27:04 AM »

Hello, I am getting a black sky in the mirrors of aircraft with il-2 GE... I have tried the config file maxed out and potato mode, and it still is black, see here:

terrain is visible, but not sky. Plane icons are visible when looking in the skies via the mirror. Cheers.

I have a temporary solution here.
Change the following in il2ge.ini

I can't test it myself currently - can you post a screenshot of this?

How does it look with
Code: [Select]
Edit: Just saw your comment https://gitlab.com/vrresto/il2ge/-/issues/45#note_1248331552 - so that does not work as I understand it.


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Re: graphics extender
« Reply #1155 on: January 22, 2023, 01:51:28 AM »

 I wrote about the same problem with rearview mirrors, a year ago << Reply #1121 >>.
Unfortunately, I was not able to solve it positively.
            But you probably read this.


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Re: graphics extender
« Reply #1156 on: January 22, 2023, 03:19:43 AM »

Hello, I am getting a black sky in the mirrors of aircraft with il-2 GE... I have tried the config file maxed out and potato mode, and it still is black, see here:

terrain is visible, but not sky. Plane icons are visible when looking in the skies via the mirror. Cheers.

I have a temporary solution here.
Change the following in il2ge.ini

I can't test it myself currently - can you post a screenshot of this?

How does it look with
Code: [Select]
Edit: Just saw your comment https://gitlab.com/vrresto/il2ge/-/issues/45#note_1248331552 - so that does not work as I understand it.

I use il2ge-build_2603226385

Code: [Select]
# enable graphics extender

# disabling this gives higher fps but looks bad

# enable terrain bumpmapping

# cirrus clouds - experimental

# enable shader for transparent objects - experimental

# experimental

# atmospheric light scattering shader
# choices:
#     Default:
#         the original shader
#     Precomputed:
#         (experimental)
#         precomputed light scattering


# more accurate colors

# possible values are between 0.0 and 1.0

# no description


AyZeeWitness (101)

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Re: graphics extender
« Reply #1157 on: January 23, 2023, 06:34:43 AM »

game crashes as soon as i try to load any mission.

Code: [Select]
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 INFO  [16768] [il2geInit:@411] *** il2ge.dll initialization ***
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 INFO  [16768] [il2geInit:@412] Version: 0.2.0
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 INFO  [16768] [il2geInit:@413] Build: 1563854606
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 INFO  [16768] [il2geInit:@414] Debug: 0
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 INFO  [16768] [il2geInit:@415] Commit: 032ea55f52684f328ba3704450ecadd674803696
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 INFO  [16768] [il2ge::core_wrapper::readConfig:@52]
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 INFO  [16768] [il2ge::core_wrapper::readConfig:@53] *** IL2GE Configuration ***
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 INFO  [16768] [il2ge::core_wrapper::readConfig:@57] EnableGE: on
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 INFO  [16768] [il2ge::core_wrapper::readConfig:@57] EnableObjectShaders: on
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 INFO  [16768] [il2ge::core_wrapper::readConfig:@57] EnableBumpH: off
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 INFO  [16768] [il2ge::core_wrapper::readConfig:@57] EnableCirrusClouds: off
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 INFO  [16768] [il2ge::core_wrapper::readConfig:@57] EnableTransparentShader: off
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 INFO  [16768] [il2ge::core_wrapper::readConfig:@57] RealisticShadowColor: off
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 INFO  [16768] [il2ge::core_wrapper::readConfig:@57] Atmosphere: Default
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 INFO  [16768] [il2ge::core_wrapper::readConfig:@57] Atmosphere.Precomputed.AccurateLuminance: off
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 INFO  [16768] [il2ge::core_wrapper::readConfig:@57] Atmosphere.Precomputed.Haziness: 0.0
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 INFO  [16768] [il2ge::core_wrapper::readConfig:@57] Atmosphere.Precomputed.SingleMieScatteringHorizonHack: off
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 INFO  [16768] [il2ge::core_wrapper::readConfig:@62]
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@116] registerMetaClass: com.maddox.rts.Time
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@127] method: setSpeedReal
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@127] method: setCurrent
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@116] registerMetaClass: com.maddox.il2.engine.RenderContext
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@127] method: Begin
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@127] method: End
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@116] registerMetaClass: com.maddox.il2.engine.Renders
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@127] method: PrePreRenders
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@127] method: PostPreRenders
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@127] method: PostRenders
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@116] registerMetaClass: com.maddox.il2.engine.Render
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@127] method: prepareStates
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@127] method: clearStates
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@127] method: flush
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@127] method: shadows
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@116] registerMetaClass: com.maddox.il2.engine.Landscape
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@127] method: cPreRender
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@127] method: cRender0
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@127] method: cRender1
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@127] method: cLoadMap
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@127] method: cUnloadMap
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@127] method: setPixelMapH
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@116] registerMetaClass: com.maddox.il2.engine.Camera
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@127] method: SetCameraPos
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@127] method: SetOrtho2D
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@127] method: SetViewportCrop
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@127] method: SetFOV
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@116] registerMetaClass: com.maddox.il2.engine.GObj
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@127] method: Finalize
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@116] registerMetaClass: com.maddox.il2.fm.Wind
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::init:@127] method: SetWind
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: D:\Games\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946_4.13.4m_YPack_V1.2.3\bin\hpi.dll
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: D:\Games\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946_4.13.4m_YPack_V1.2.3\bin\verify.dll
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: D:\Games\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946_4.13.4m_YPack_V1.2.3\bin\java.dll
2023-01-23 16:27:24.173 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: D:\Games\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946_4.13.4m_YPack_V1.2.3\bin\zip.dll
2023-01-23 16:27:24.184 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: wrapper.dll
2023-01-23 16:27:24.262 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: D:\Games\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946_4.13.4m_YPack_V1.2.3\DINPUT.dll
2023-01-23 16:27:24.262 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: D:\Games\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946_4.13.4m_YPack_V1.2.3\DT.dll
2023-01-23 16:27:24.262 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: D:\Games\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946_4.13.4m_YPack_V1.2.3\il2fb.exe
2023-01-23 16:27:24.474 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: D:\Games\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946_4.13.4m_YPack_V1.2.3\pathfind.dll
2023-01-23 16:27:24.499 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: D:\Games\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946_4.13.4m_YPack_V1.2.3\il2_core.dll
2023-01-23 16:27:24.514 INFO  [16768] [il2ge::core_wrapper::init:@59] *** il2_core wrapper initialisation ***
2023-01-23 16:27:24.514 INFO  [16768] [il2ge::core_wrapper::init:@75] *** il2_core wrapper initialisation finished ***
2023-01-23 16:27:24.786 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: D:\Games\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946_4.13.4m_YPack_V1.2.3\il2_usgs2.dll
2023-01-23 16:27:25.700 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: D:\Games\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946_4.13.4m_YPack_V1.2.3\mg_snd_sse.dll
2023-01-23 16:27:26.233 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: D:\Games\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946_4.13.4m_YPack_V1.2.3\jgl.dll
2023-01-23 16:27:26.249 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: dinput8.dll
2023-01-23 16:27:26.343 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: D:\Games\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946_4.13.4m_YPack_V1.2.3\bin\net.dll
2023-01-23 16:27:26.343 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: ws2_32.dll
2023-01-23 16:27:26.377 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: D:\Games\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946_4.13.4m_YPack_V1.2.3\bin\zip.dll
2023-01-23 16:27:26.390 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: D:\Games\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946_4.13.4m_YPack_V1.2.3\SAS.dll
2023-01-23 16:27:26.406 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::getExport:@165] found export: _Java_com_maddox_rts_Time_setCurrent@24
2023-01-23 16:27:26.453 DEBUG [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_JGL_LoadLibrary:@269] jgl => LoadLibrary: Opengl32.dll
2023-01-23 16:27:26.677 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: dinput8.dll
2023-01-23 16:27:26.798 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: C:/Program Files (x86)/opentrack/modules/NPClient.dll
2023-01-23 16:27:26.863 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::getExport:@165] found export: _Java_com_maddox_il2_engine_RenderContext_Begin@16
2023-01-23 16:27:26.869 DEBUG [16768] [render_util::TextureManager::TextureManager:@181] max texunits: 160
2023-01-23 16:27:26.869 DEBUG [16768] [render_util::TextureManager::TextureManager:@186] TEXUNIT_NUM: 35
2023-01-23 16:27:26.869 DEBUG [16768] [render_util::TextureManager::TextureManager:@187] highest_unit: 64
2023-01-23 16:27:26.887 DEBUG [16768] [{anonymous}::openDefinition:@44] failed to open il2ge/shaders/atmosphere_default/quad_2d.program
2023-01-23 16:27:26.888 INFO  [16768] [core::initJavaClasses:@118] Loading class com/maddox/il2ge/HotKeys ...
2023-01-23 16:27:26.889 WARN  [16768] [core::initJavaClasses:@123] Exception encountered when loading class com/maddox/il2ge/HotKeys.
2023-01-23 16:27:26.893 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::getExport:@165] found export: _Java_com_maddox_il2_engine_Render_prepareStates@8
2023-01-23 16:27:27.008 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::getExport:@165] found export: _Java_com_maddox_il2_engine_Renders_PrePreRenders@8
2023-01-23 16:27:27.009 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::getExport:@165] found export: _Java_com_maddox_il2_engine_Camera_SetViewportCrop@52
2023-01-23 16:27:27.009 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::getExport:@165] found export: _Java_com_maddox_il2_engine_Camera_SetOrtho2D@32
2023-01-23 16:27:27.009 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::getExport:@165] found export: _Java_com_maddox_il2_engine_Camera_SetCameraPos@12
2023-01-23 16:27:27.009 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::getExport:@165] found export: _Java_com_maddox_il2_engine_Renders_PostPreRenders@8
2023-01-23 16:27:27.013 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::getExport:@165] found export: _Java_com_maddox_il2_engine_Render_flush@8
2023-01-23 16:27:27.018 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::getExport:@165] found export: _Java_com_maddox_il2_engine_Renders_PostRenders@8
2023-01-23 16:27:38.487 DEBUG [9944] [jni_wrapper::getExport:@165] found export: _Java_com_maddox_il2_engine_GObj_Finalize@12
2023-01-23 16:27:38.495 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::getExport:@165] found export: _Java_com_maddox_rts_Time_setSpeedReal@12
2023-01-23 16:27:38.502 DEBUG [16768] [jni_wrapper::getExport:@165] found export: _Java_com_maddox_il2_engine_Landscape_cLoadMap@24
2023-01-23 16:27:38.502 INFO  [16768] [core::checkHardwareShaders:@323] cfgHardwareShaders: 1
2023-01-23 16:27:38.505 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: imagehlp.dll
2023-01-23 16:27:38.506 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: PSAPI.DLL
2023-01-23 16:27:38.600 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: PSAPI.DLL
2023-01-23 16:27:38.600 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: PSAPI.DLL
2023-01-23 16:27:38.604 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: PSAPI.DLL
2023-01-23 16:27:38.608 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: PSAPI.DLL
2023-01-23 16:27:38.613 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: PSAPI.DLL
2023-01-23 16:27:38.616 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: PSAPI.DLL
2023-01-23 16:27:38.620 INFO  [16768] [{anonymous}::wrap_LoadLibraryA:@198] LoadLibrary: PSAPI.DLL


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Re: graphics extender
« Reply #1158 on: January 23, 2023, 08:30:01 AM »

I can't really understand anything from this log but does it crash on 3%?
There are 2 certain things in life: Death and CTDs

AyZeeWitness (101)

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Re: graphics extender
« Reply #1159 on: January 23, 2023, 08:45:01 AM »

it crashes as soon as the loading screen appears.


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Re: graphics extender
« Reply #1160 on: January 25, 2023, 06:42:14 AM »

it crashes as soon as the loading screen appears.

I'm gonna need il2ge_full.log for that.

AyZeeWitness (101)

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Re: graphics extender
« Reply #1161 on: January 25, 2023, 08:23:40 AM »



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Re: graphics extender
« Reply #1163 on: January 26, 2023, 05:01:25 AM »

There's a test file available for this issue (if it's the same that is): https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,61653.msg764692.html#msg764692
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