What came in their way most negatively though was the lost war.
it would have not had the chance to do "that job", the Allies would have stopped it.
Fact is the design was never able to meet the expectations.
One of the typical Messerschmitt attempts to gain money from convincing the RLM that he could do wonders.
He couldn't.
The Me 264, if it ever would have been developed into a combat ready plane, would have been able to do some maritime patrol at best.
Mind you: The prototypes with a takeoff weight of 21 tons already weren't capable of providing the promised figures.
With military equipment, the weight would have had to be increased to 43 tons and the range would barely have been enough to visit the Azores from the french coast, that's all.
A wet dream of Mr. Goering, powered by Mr. Messerschmitt, underpinned by nothing more than a concept aircraft which was known never to be able to fulfill any task it was designed for.
Yes it looks sleek.
That's almost as much positive as there is to say about the 264.
Nevertheless such mod would of course be welcome