Nice job on what seems to be the Mitchell at the back, as well as the other kit. Maybe perhaps a bit too back in time for me? Considering I'm just 20 but who knows, maybe someone here will.
My old man done a Great Planes F-15 as well as quite a few scratch build repairs on WMA Mustangs and Cap 232s. He even made his own version of the SlowPoke and called it after me, and everything was done at home.
I'm yet to build a full on kit since it's rare to find kits here, but what's rarer is getting the time for them. Don't have much and haven't even been able to do any 3D Heli flying for the past 6 months or so, and at times, I sort of feel like I've forgotten how to do all of that.
I bought a Kyosho Cap 232 (60 size) for about... 20 Dollars when converted. The plane was in a poor condition and wasn't loved. However, it took me a week or two to get her back into airworthy condition and before I knew it, she was pulling knife edges like it didn't matter.
Will try to post photos of her, if I have any even of the repair work. More of a guy who'll just do something rather than write up/photograph/ (forgot the word for it, but you get what I mean) it.
The old man on the other hand, always took step by step photos and loved documenting stuff.
Maybe documenting was the word.