This map is an original one in 4.13, but also a merge of the former original Crimea and Kuban maps. Texturing is very simple, as there is nearly none. Also the towns are very simple:

But i like this map, and if it's origins may be 10 or 15 years ago it's time to pimp it up. I decided firstly to retown it, but will keep the airfields, the railwaystations and the seaports. These installations also are very simple but also have a kind of retro charm in my eyes.
There are also modded versions of the Crimea map and the Kuban map with great texturing, but they are separated and the population is not at todays possibilities.
To repopulate the big cities i use the buildings template of the MonteCassino/Anzio map as a basis but add some lines of street trees. These are visible in the object map as white stripes along the streets:

For the different town areas i use some variations of this template with a different set of buildings also. I made the towns smaller as they are much to big in the original maps. Sevastopol had about 100.000 inhabitants in the beginning 40s and wasn't a mega city. The original towns are also to big to populate them with a halfway dense building development. Nevertheless they are still quite big, so population can't be as dense as possible. This is a far view to Sevastopol:

The center with some avenues. Crimea is said to have climatic conditions comperable with middle or southern Italy and so there also are a lot of palms, also i don't know if they are spreading around the whole area.

For the suburbs i use a photografical texture. Here it is with the population markings:

Populated this looks like this:

I didn't use the buildings orientation feature of the cityBuilder here, as most objects where oriented fine and i had to rotate only some of the buildings. The same with the texture for small towns, where i still have to add a lot of minor streets:

Also the orientation of the buildings is randomly, there clearly are preferences in the orientation. Also i wrote the population tool i'm not shure how this works ;-)

Here again the population can't be the most dense one. Nevertheless possibly the biggest towns like Sevastopol may be a task for the video card. I did not fly the new populated map yet, but if there is a FPS problem now in a few years the cards will make it ;-) The actors.static may be around 3,5 MB. Thats much but not to much as i hope.
According the landscape texturing i don't have a plan yet ;-). Possibly i will use the texturing of the modded Cremea and the modded Kuban maps as i shurely can not make it better. Anyway, finishing this project will take some time. So most of the populaded buildings textures are completly unedited yet.