As the title suggests, I am currently working on a video for which I need some voice acting. Most of it is already recorded, but two more roles still have to be spoken by someone, the left waist gunner and the bombardier. If you sound american, you are right for the job.
Note that this is not the final product, the sound files will be edited to sound like intercom or radio transmissions. However this shows what I am trying to do:
If you are interested, contact me or send your recorded lines to:
Other ways of contacting me are:
Steam: Christian Sarkanbardis
Here are the lines for the two roles:
Left waist
"Damaged B-17 at nine o'clock."
"The two at eight went into a dive, looks like they're going for the straggler."
"He's climbing at nine low, with the sun in his back."
"One of 'em is doing a roll, he's gonna' dive through the three-eighty-fifth."
"Inbound, nine o'clock high!"
"Two overtakin' at eight o'clock level."
"There he goes, too far away."
"One o'Nine, nine o'clock level, diving down on the three-eighty-fifth."
"Damn he shot that tail clean off."
"Seventeen goin' down, at nine low, Tail End Charlie of three-eight-five."
"He's gone."
"I'm on him."
"Seventeen at nine o'clock got white smoke coming from the left wing."
"He's parallel to us again. Eight o'clock level."
"Inbound, nine o'clock low, One o'Nine."
"Gonna' pass us. Below, from nine to three."
"I'm hit!"
"I'm bleeding, Sir."
"I think I'll manage."
"Two at the low group."
"There's four of 'em, nine o'clock level."
"They passed the three-eighty-fifth."
"They just flew by."
"Two at nine o'clock level."
"That One o'Nine's goin' for it again, eight level."
"Eight low."
"He's through, seven o'clock now."
"Bandits, twelve o'clock, two of 'em.
"One o'clock high, coming in."
"He went by below us, you couldn't see him."
"Now four of 'em at twelve o'clock high."
"Goin' through the three-eighty-fifth now."
"He passed us below."
"One o'clock high, inbound, two of 'em."
"One-ninety inbound, twelve o'clock low!"
"He's gonna' pass through the lead group."
"Eleven o'clock level, goin' through the lead element."
"Passed by right below us."
"One o'clock high, turning in."
"Eleven o'clock level, inbound, two of 'em."
"One o'clock high, inbound, two of 'em."
"Twelve level, coming right in."
"Eleven low, too."
"Here they come again."
"Flak, twelve o'clock."
"Bombardier from pilot, autopilot enabled, your ship."
"Bomb doors open."
"Thirty seconds."
"Bombs away."
"Pilot from bombardier, your ship."
"Those two at ten are turnin' in."
"Two o'clock level, inbound."
"One level, inbound."
"Yeah, inbound."
"Goin' for the high ones."
"Incoming, one o'clock high"